Hello guys, I am Staluna

Revision en1, by Staluna, 2025-02-12 09:31:40

I am a new non-autistic coder(not like KimberlyBruh). I know I have 360 rating, but I am better than MihneaTheMonkey, SheBulk(also known as Mâncăcioasa) or Mclovin. Even tho I am a fizics student, I still beat them at everything. I AM THE BEST. Sometimes I annoy Ghinpotcoava, but now I think I stopped. Every teacher likes me, but some of my colleagues don’t. Happy coding and URSU’ NU-I JOACA MĂI!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Staluna 2025-02-12 09:31:40 444 Initial revision (published)