Hey Codeforces, <br />↵
I wish everyone is doing well and happy . <br /><br />↵
Lately I learned Suffix Array and I'm trying to solve this problem [(UVA — 760 DNA Sequencing)](https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=701), the problem is a merely application on finding the **LCS** _(Longest Common Substring)_ of two strings . <br /><br />↵
- **The problem in a nutshell** : given two strings **A,B (|A|,|B| <= 300)** print all LCS of these two strings in lexicographical order . <br />↵
- **What I did** : concatenate the two strings in a third string **C** and build the suffix array and the **LCP** _(Longest Common Prefix)_ for C then iterate over the LCP table and find the longest LCP among all LCPs, say `maxLCP` then iterate over the LCP table again, now once an LCP matches `maxLCP` check whether the two suffixes belong to a different **strings (A,B)** if they do, print this LCP, if there is no LCP found print **"No Common Sequence"** as the problem states . <br/><br />↵
Here is my [code](http://pastebin.com/NVsWDUy6) .<br />↵
[Code](http://pastebin.com/6H2TLu0C) after removing the duplicated LCS . <br />↵
Shouldn't my approach work ? <br />↵
I've tried many testcases and my code does produce the correct output for them, I got stuck on this problem for more than two days, read the code and revise the algorithm so many times, and couldn't figure out where's my fault . <br /> <br />↵
Any help would be highly appreciated,<br />↵
Thanks in advance and thank you for taking time to read my blog and good luck in the upcoming round tomorrow :D . <br />↵
<br />↵
**UPD** : Thanks community, got AC after 15 submissions :D, as [user:Urbanowicz,2015-12-10] indicated, I should print just unique LCSs
I wish everyone is doing well and happy . <br /><br />↵
Lately I learned Suffix Array and I'm trying to solve this problem [(UVA — 760 DNA Sequencing)](https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=701), the problem is a merely application on finding the **LCS** _(Longest Common Substring)_ of two strings . <br /><br />↵
- **The problem in a nutshell** : given two strings **A,B (|A|,|B| <= 300)** print all LCS of these two strings in lexicographical order . <br />↵
- **What I did** : concatenate the two strings in a third string **C** and build the suffix array and the **LCP** _(Longest Common Prefix)_ for C then iterate over the LCP table and find the longest LCP among all LCPs, say `maxLCP` then iterate over the LCP table again, now once an LCP matches `maxLCP` check whether the two suffixes belong to a different **strings (A,B)** if they do, print this LCP, if there is no LCP found print **"No Common Sequence"** as the problem states . <br/><br />↵
Here is my [code](http://pastebin.com/NVsWDUy6) .<br />↵
[Code](http://pastebin.com/6H2TLu0C) after removing the duplicated LCS . <br />↵
Shouldn't my approach work ? <br />↵
I've tried many testcases and my code does produce the correct output for them, I got stuck on this problem for more than two days, read the code and revise the algorithm so many times, and couldn't figure out where's my fault . <br /> <br />↵
Any help would be highly appreciated,<br />↵
Thanks in advance and thank you for taking time to read my blog and good luck in the upcoming round tomorrow :D . <br />↵
<br />↵
**UPD** : Thanks community, got AC after 15 submissions :D, as [user:Urbanowicz,2015-12-10] indicated, I should print just unique LCSs