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List of IOI 2016 Participants
Difference between en60 and en61, changed 187 character(s)
<large><b>UPD:</b> a more complete and official list is now available <a href="">here</a>. I won't update this list anymore.</b></large>↵

 Name | CF Handle | Country | Previous IOIs |↵
[Román Castellarin]( | [user:ponysalvaje,2017-05-21] | [Argentina]( | 2013 &mdash; 2014 &mdash; 2015 |↵
[Maximiliano Redigonda]( | [user:asdf00001,2017-05-21] | [Argentina]( | 2015 |↵
[Gianni Weinand]( | [user:Weheineman,2017-05-21] | [Argentina]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 |↵
Gastón Fontenla | [user:GastonFontenla,2017-07-12] | [Argentina]( | First Participation |↵
[Mushegh Shahinyan]( | [user:Mushegh,2017-05-25] | [Armenia]( | 2014 ![S] &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
Levon Muradyan | [user:Levon1999,2017-05-25] | [Armenia]( | First Participation |↵
Ashot Matevosyan | [user:ashmat98,2017-05-25] | [Armenia]( | First Participation |↵
Karen Mkrtumyan | [user:KARM,2017-05-25] | [Armenia]( | First Participation |↵
[Jerry Mao]( | [user:jerry,2017-05-25] | [Australia]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
[Declan McDonnell]( | [user:DXsmiley,2017-05-25] | [Australia]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Belinda Shi | [user:beeshi,2017-05-25] | [Australia]( | First Participation |↵
Richard Gong | [user:gongy,2017-05-25] | [Australia]( | First Participation |↵
[Florian Leimgruber]( | [user:fleimgruber,2017-05-21] | [Austria]( | 2014 ![B] &mdash; 2015 |↵
Miklós Horváth | &mdash; | [Austria]( | First Participation |↵
[Simon Lehner-Dittenberger]( | &mdash; | [Austria]( | 2015 |↵
Stefan Kurzbauer | &mdash; | [Austria]( | First Participation |↵
Jubayer Rahman Nirjhor| [user:Nirjhor,2017-04-11] | [Bangladesh]( | First Participation |↵
Syed Rubab Redwan | [user:rubabredWAn,2017-04-11] | [Bangladesh]( | First Participation |↵
Ruhan Habib | [user:ruhan.habib39,2017-04-11] | [Bangladesh]( | First Participation |↵
Tasmeem Reza | [user:Bruteforceman,2017-06-16] | [Bangladesh]( | First Participation |↵
[Ilya Medyanikov]( | [user:Ferathorn,2017-05-21] | [Belarus]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
[Fedar Karabeinikau]( | [user:Fedosik,2017-05-21] | [Belarus]( | 2014 |↵
Mikhail Natalevich | [user:misha98391,2017-05-21] | [Belarus]( | First Participation |↵
Artur Petukhouski | [user:Arthur_,2017-05-21] | [Belarus]( | First Participation |↵
[Damien Galant]( | [user:damien_g,2017-05-08] | [Belgium]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
Corentin Simon | [user:azercoco,2017-05-08] | [Belgium]( | First Participation |↵
Bruno Ploumhans | [user:BrunoPloumhans,2017-05-28] | [Belgium]( | First Participation |↵
Ruben Van Dijck | &mdash; | [Belgium]( | First Participation |↵
Rogério Junior | [user:rogerioagjr,2017-04-05] | [Brazil]( | First Participation |↵
Pedro Henrique | [user:Pedrohso,2017-04-05] | [Brazil]( | First Participation |↵
Victor Agnez | [user:VictorAgnez,2017-04-05] | [Brazil]( | First Participation |↵
[Lucca Siaudzionis]( | [user:luccasiau,2017-04-05] | [Brazil]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Alexander Crustev | [user:perchema,2017-05-10] | [Bulgaria]( | First Participation |↵
[Encho Mishinev]( | [user:ImAlsoGay,2017-05-10] | [Bulgaria]( | 2013 ![S] &mdash; 2014 ![G] &mdash; 2015 ![S] |↵
[Hristo Venev]( | [user:mustrumr,2017-05-10] | [Bulgaria]( | 2012 ![S] &mdash; 2013 ![G] &mdash; 2014 ![G] &mdash; 2015 ![G] |↵
[Daniel Atanasov]( | &mdash; | [Bulgaria]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
[Yikuan Li]( | [user:FatalEagle,2017-05-14] | [Canada]( | 2014 ![B] &mdash; 2015 ![S] |↵
[Farbod Yadegarian]( | [user:NoWoDeYo,2017-05-14] | [Canada]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Kevin Sun | [user:ksun48,2017-05-14] | [Canada]( | First Participation |↵
Jeffrey Xiao | [user:jeffrey.xiao,2017-05-14] | [Canada]( | First Participation |↵
KeFan Dong | [user:KFDong,2017-05-04] | [China]( | First Participation |↵
Zhizhou Ren | [user:Stilwell,2017-05-04] | [China]( | First Participation |↵
Wu Zuofan | [user:I_wanna_be_a_pupil,2017-05-04] | [China]( | First Participation |↵
Ce Jin | [user:jcvb,2017-05-04] | [China]( | First Participation |↵
Marin Kisic | [user:mkisic,2017-04-14] | [Croatia]( | First Participation |↵
Adrian Beker | [user:bekejiv,2017-04-14] | [Croatia]( | First Participation |↵
Vilim Lendvaj | [user:vilim_l,2017-04-14] | [Croatia]( | First Participation |↵
[Domagoj Bradac]( | [user:DBradac,2017-04-14] | [Croatia]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
Ernesto David Peña Herrera | [user:Ernestico,2017-05-04] | [Cuba]( | First Participation |↵
[Filip Bialas]( | [user:f.bialas,2017-05-09] | [Czech Republic]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Richard Hladík | [user:RiHl,2017-05-09] | [Czech Republic]( | First Participation |↵
Ronald Luc | &mdash; | [Czech Republic]( | First Participation |↵
Václav Volhejn | [user:-Wave-,2017-05-09] | [Czech Republic]( | First Participation |↵
[Michael José Gonzáles Bardales]( | [user:mjgonzales,2017-05-10] | [Dominican Republic]( | 2015 |↵
Kelvin Xavier García Tiburcio | [user:xavier158,2017-05-25] | [Dominican Republic]( | First Participation |↵
Ahmed ElBatanony | [user:ElBatanony,2017-04-11] | [Egypt]( | First Participation |↵
Ayman AbdALLAH | &mdash; | [Egypt]( | First Participation |↵
Mahmoud Badawy | [user:mahmoudbadawy,2017-04-11] | [Egypt]( | First Participation |↵
Sherif Nafee | [user:Sh1co,2017-06-16] | [Egypt]( | First Participation |↵
[Andres Unt]( | [user:Andres_Unt,2017-05-21] | [Estonia]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
[Oliver Nisumaa]( | [user:Eragon,2017-05-21] | [Estonia]( | 2015 |↵
[Toomas Tennisberg]( | [user:toomas,2017-05-21] | [Estonia]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Kristjan Kongas | [user:kkongas,2017-05-21] | [Estonia]( | First Participation |↵
Juha Harviainen | [user:Kuha,2017-04-12] | [Finland]( | First Participation |↵
Hannes Ihalainen | [user:Hansuzu,2017-04-12] | [Finland]( | First Participation |↵
Pietari Kaskela | [user:eXeP,2017-04-12] | [Finland]( | First Participation |↵
[Kalle Luopajärvi]( | [user:zscefn,2017-04-12] | [Finland]( | 2013 ![B] &mdash; 2014 ![S] &mdash; 2015 ![S] |↵
Félix Breton | &mdash; | [France]( | First Participation |↵
[Théophane Vallaeys]( | &mdash; | [France]( | 2015 |↵
[Thomas Sepulchre]( | &mdash; | [France]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
[Arthur Léonard]( | [user:Arturgo,2017-05-14] | [France]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
[Malvika Raj Joshi]( | [user:a06,2017-05-12] | [India]( | 2014 ![S] &mdash; 2015 ![S] |↵
Rajat De | [user:rajat1603,2017-05-12] | [India]( | First participation |↵
Sampriti Panda | [user:sampriti,2017-05-12] | [India]( | First participation |↵
Srijon Mukherjee | &mdash; | [India]( | First participation |↵
[Stacia Edina Johanna]( | &mdash; | [Indonesia]( | 2015 |↵
Sergio Vieri | &mdash; | [Indonesia]( | First participation |↵
Kwee Lung Sin | [user:Lungsin,2017-05-12] | [Indonesia]( | First participation |↵
Muhammad Yusuf Sholeh | [user:1945,2017-05-21] | [Indonesia]( | First participation |↵
[Ali Bahjati]( | [user:LiTi,2017-04-04] | [Iran]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
AmirMohammad Dehghan | [user:amd,2017-04-04] | [Iran]( | First participation |↵
Arash Mahmoudian | [user:Reyna,2017-04-04] | [Iran]( | First participation |↵
SeyedParsa Mirtaheri | [user:SeyedParsa,2017-04-04] | [Iran]( | First participation |↵
[Liran Markin]( | [user:markin2000,2017-04-04] | [Israel]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Noam Tashma | &mdash; | [Israel]( | First participation |↵
Ron Solan | &mdash; | [Israel]( | First participation |↵
Tomer Adar | [user:Tomer.Adar,2017-04-04] | [Israel]( | First participation |↵
[Takuya Inoue]( | [user:yokozuna57,2017-04-05] | [Japan]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
Riku Kawasaki | [user:maroon_kuri,2017-04-05] | [Japan]( | First Participation |↵
[Yuta Takaya]( | [user:yutaka1999,2017-04-05] | [Japan]( | 2014 ![G] &mdash; 2015 ![G] |↵
[Takahiro Masuda]( | [user:namonakiaccount,2017-04-05] | [Japan]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
Amangeldi Zhusubaliev | [user:ACRage,2017-04-04] | [Kyrgyzstan]( | First participation |↵
Arsen Kasymov | [user:ACPlusOne,2017-04-04] | [Kyrgyzstan]( | First participation |↵
[Azret Kenzhaliev]( | [user:ACMath,2017-06-04] | [Kyrgyzstan]( | 2015 |↵
Bolot Bekbolotov | [user:BekBOLOTov,2017-04-04] | [Kyrgyzstan]( | First participation |↵
[Aleksejs Popovs]( | [user:popoffka,2017-04-05] | [Latvia]( | 2011 &mdash; 2012 ![B] &mdash; 2013 ![B] &mdash; 2014 ![S] &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
Aleksandrs Zajakins | [user:Sanja,2017-05-19] | [Latvia]( | First Participation |↵
[Ingus Jānis Pretkalniņš]( | [user:Ingugugus,2017-05-19] | [Latvia]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 |↵
Daniels Keziks | [user:DKezik,2017-05-19] | [Latvia]( | First Participation |↵
[Dimitar Bajraktarov]( | [user:whitewind664,2017-05-25] | [Macedonia]( | 2015 |↵
Dushan Terzic | [user:dusante1,2017-05-25] | [Macedonia]( | First Participation |↵
Nikola Stojkoski | [user:nikolastojkoski,2017-05-25] | [Macedonia]( | First Participation |↵
Vladimir Maksimovski | [user:ReaLNero,2017-05-21] | [Macedonia]( | First Participation |↵
Zi Song Yeoh | [user:zscoder,2017-05-14] | [Malaysia]( | First Participation |↵
[Jen Khai Yew]( | [user:jenkhai,2017-05-14] | [Malaysia]( | 2015 |↵
[Jia Jen Ng]( | [user:tempeh,2017-05-14] | [Malaysia]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 |↵
Uday Patel | [user:dtb_oods,2017-05-14] | [Malaysia]( | First Participation |↵
[Marcel Bezdrighin]( | [user:yosei-san,2017-04-25] | [Moldova]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
[Mihail Tarigradschi]( | [user:ThatMathGuy,2017-04-25] | [Moldova]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Gabriel Cojocaru | [user:reality,2017-04-25] | [Moldova]( | First Participation |↵
Daniel Grosu | [user:Columb,2017-04-25] | [Moldova]( | First Participation |↵
[Christopher Brown]( | &mdash; | [New Zealand]( | 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
[Jonathan Khoo]( | [user:Sosunser,2017-05-25] | [New Zealand]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Chris Jung | [user:xenoframium,2017-05-25] | [New Zealand]( | First Participation |↵
Chuanye Chen | [user:andrewchen,2017-05-25] | [New Zealand]( | First Participation |↵
[Chibuoyim Faith Wilson Ogbonna]( | [user:ogbonnachibuoyim12,2017-05-16] | [Nigeria]( | 2015 |↵
Lesi Bright | &mdash; | [Nigeria]( | First Participation |↵
Tanitoluwa Adebayor  | &mdash; | [Nigeria]( | First Participation |↵
Peter Achimugo | &mdash; | [Nigeria]( | First Participation |↵
[Robin Yu]( | [user:robinyu,2017-05-16] | [Philippines]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Farrell Wu | [user:wfe2016,2017-05-16] | [Philippines]( | First Participation |↵
Maded Batara  | &mdash; | [Philippines]( | First Participation |↵
[Ian Palabasan]( | [user:pocavreportgroup,2017-05-16] | [Philippines]( | 2015 |↵
Mateusz Radecki | [user:Stonefeang,2017-04-17] | [Poland]( | First Participation |↵
Paweł Burzynski | [user:pawelek1,2017-04-17] | [Poland]( | First Participation |↵
Juliusz Pham | [user:a.piasta,2017-04-17] | [Poland]( | First Participation |↵
[Jarek Kwiecień]( | [user:rudy102,2017-04-17] | [Poland]( | 2014 ![G] &mdash; 2015 ![G] |↵
Hyunsoo Kim | [user:khsoo01,2017-04-05] | [Republic of Korea]( | First Participation |↵
Gyuho Suh | [user:williamgyuhosuh,2017-04-05] | [Republic of Korea]( | First Participation |↵
Seungwon Shin | [user:Namnamseo,2017-04-05] | [Republic of Korea]( | First Participation |↵
[Jaehyun Koo]( | [user:koosaga,2017-04-05] | [Republic of Korea]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
Andrei Costin Constantinescu | [user:Andrei1998,2017-05-25] | [Romania]( | First Participation |↵
Costin Andrei Oncescu | [user:geniucos,2017-05-25] | [Romania]( | First Participation |↵
[Andrei Popa]( | [user:AndreiNet,2017-05-25] | [Romania]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Radu Muntean | [user:heracle,2017-05-25] | [Romania]( | First Participation |↵
[Vladislav Makeev]( | [user:overtroll,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
[Mikhail Putilin]( | [user:SpyCheese,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
Stanislav Naumov | [user:josdas,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation |↵
Grigory Reznikow | [user:gritukan,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation |↵
Denis Solonkov | [user:solonkovda,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation &mdash; Unofficial (Host Team) |↵
Alexandra Drozdova | [user:adrozdova,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation &mdash; Unofficial (Host Team) |↵
Mikhail Anoprenko | [user:manoprenko,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation &mdash; Unofficial (Host Team) |↵
Askhat Sakhabiev | [user:super_azbuka,2017-05-25] | [Russia]( | First Participation &mdash; Unofficial (Host Team) |↵
Nenad Bauk | [user:fifiman,2017-05-16] | [Serbia]( | First Participation |↵
[Dušan Živanović]( | [user:zDule98,2017-05-16] | [Serbia]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
Luka Vukelić | &mdash; | [Serbia]( | First Participation |↵
Nikola Spasić | [user:NNSpasic,2017-05-16] | [Serbia]( | First Participation |↵
Zhang Guangxuan | [user:zhangguangxuan99,2017-05-08] | [Singapore]( | First Participation |↵
[Pang Wen Yuen]( | [user:pwypeanut,2017-05-08] | [Singapore]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Clarence Chew | &mdash; | [Singapore]( | First Participation |↵
[Jacob Por Loong Teo]( | [user:jacobtpl,2017-05-08] | [Singapore]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
[Peter Ralbovský]( | [user:peto159,2017-05-08] | [Slovakia]( | 2013 &mdash; 2014 &mdash; 2015 ![B] |↵
[Samuel Sládek]( | [user:samo98,2017-05-08] | [Slovakia]( | 2015 |↵
[Michal Sládeček]( | [user:misoxxx,2017-05-08] | [Slovakia]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Paulína Smolárová | [user:paulinia,2017-05-08] | [Slovakia]( | First Participation |↵
Jan Olivetti Auladell | [user:OneStone,2017-04-28] | [Spain]( | First Participation |↵
[Jordi Calstellví Foguet]( | [user:jcastellvi,2017-04-28] | [Spain]( | 2015 |↵
Jordi Rodríguez Manso | [user:JordiR,2017-04-28] | [Spain]( | First Participation |↵
[Miquel Ortega Sánchez-Colomer]( | [user:metatron,2017-04-28] | [Spain]( | 2015 |↵
[Joakim Blikstad]( | [user:Xylofo,2017-04-12] | [Sweden]( | 2014 ![B] &mdash; 2015 ![S] |↵
[Fredrik Hernqvist]( | [user:Freda,2017-04-12] | [Sweden]( | 2015 |↵
[Karl Lundstig]( | [user:Krarl,2017-04-12] | [Sweden]( | 2015 |↵
[David Wärn]( | [user:aitch,2017-04-12] | [Sweden]( | 2015 ![B] |↵
Mahmoud Hassan | [user:tweety,2017-06-04] | [Syria]( | First Participation |↵
[Besher Massri]( | [user:besher,2017-04-04] | [Syria]( | 2015 |↵
[Muhammed Dwik]( | [user:dwik,2017-05-06] | [Syria]( | 2015 |↵
Samir Aldroubi | [user:samier_aldroubi,2017-04-04] | [Syria]( | First Participation |↵
Ta Jui Ho | [user:darry140,2017-05-08] | [Taiwan]( | First Participation |↵
Bo Shi Yu | [user:fsps60312,2017-05-08] | [Taiwan]( | First Participation |↵
Jui Nan Yen | [user:gkevinyen5418,2017-05-08] | [Taiwan]( | First Participation |↵
Hao Cheng Yang | [user:howard41436,2017-05-08] | [Taiwan]( | First Participation |↵
Farhod Farmon | [user:Farhod_Farmon,2017-05-21] | [Tajikistan]( | First Participation |↵
[Nodir Daminov]( | [user:Nodir.Daminov,2017-05-21] | [Tajikistan]( | 2015 |↵
Nozim Safarov | [user:xyzer,2017-05-21] | [Tajikistan]( | First Participation |↵
Farrukh Karimov | [user:Barsic,2017-05-21] | [Tajikistan]( | First Participation |↵
[Adem Khachnaoui]( | [user:ademkhachnaoui,2017-04-17] | [Tunisia]( | 2015 |↵
[Mohamed Fadhel Omar]( | [user:baal-hammon,2017-04-17] | [Tunisia]( | 2015 |↵
Ahmed Rekik | [user:rekikahmed,2017-04-17] | [Tunisia]( | First Participation |↵
Ahmed Selmi | [user:ahmedselmi,2017-04-17] | [Tunisia]( | First Participation |↵
Mustafa Erdem Kirez | [user:ErdemKirez,2017-05-14] | [Turkey]( | First Participation |↵
Murat Ekici | [user:muratt,2017-05-14] | [Turkey]( | First Participation |↵
Osman Orhan Uysal | [user:osmanorhan,2017-05-14] | [Turkey]( | First Participation |↵
Yasin Kaya | [user:ykaya,2017-05-14] | [Turkey]( | First Participation |↵
[Bayram Guvanjov]( | [user:Bayram98,2017-05-25] | [Turkmenistan]( | 2014  |↵
Bekmyrat Atayev | [user:Bekmyrat-Atayev,2017-05-25] | [Turkmenistan]( | First Participation |↵
Kerim Kochekov | [user:Kerim.K,2017-05-25] | [Turkmenistan]( | First Participation |↵
Perman Atayev | [user:Champion_in_the_future,2017-05-25] | [Turkmenistan]( | First Participation |↵
[Aslandukov Matvey]( | [user:BigBag,2017-05-28] | [Ukraine]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
Tsypko Anton | [user:arsijo,2017-05-28] | [Ukraine]( | First Participation |↵
Machula Maksym | [user:mHuman,2017-05-28] | [Ukraine]( | First Participation |↵
Minakov Stanislav | [user:stas99,2017-05-28] | [Ukraine]( | First Participation |↵
[Daniel Chiu]( | [user:waterfalls,2017-06-04] | [United States of America]( | 2015 ![G] |↵
Calvin Lee | [user:negativebplusorminus,2017-06-04] | [United States of America]( | First Participation |↵
Lawrence Li | [user:lawrenceli,2017-06-04] | [United States of America]( | First Participation |↵
Dhruv Rohatgi | [user:pacu,2017-06-04] | [United States of America]( | First Participation |↵
[Phan Duc Nhat Minh]( | [user:minh141198,2017-05-14] | [Vietnam]( | 2015 ![S] |↵
Pham Cao Nguyen | [user:natsukagami,2017-05-14] | [Vietnam]( | First Participation |↵
Le Quang Tuan | [user:YouAreMyBeautifulSky,2017-05-14] | [Vietnam]( | First Participation |↵
Tran Tan Phat | [user:tanphatls987,2017-05-14] | [Vietnam]( | First Participation |↵


**Congratulations to those who qualified for IOI 2016! :)** <br/>↵
**Please post names of participants in comments or message me to add them. :D**<br>↵
I did add a future date for usernames for colors to keep updated, but looks like sometimes it's not working. For that I'll update the list after every ratings update.<br>↵
Shout-out to [user:ACMath,2017-06-04] for making the table.↵
<p>Some info about IOI 2016:</p>↵
<li>It's going to be held in <a href="">Kazan</a>, <a href="">Russia</a>.</li>↵
<li>They already have a <a href="">website</a> and a <a href="">promo video</a>.</li>↵
<li>The event date is August 12-19 ([Countdown :D](</li>↵

Don't forget to like [their facebook page]( to not miss any news.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en61 English tweety 2016-07-29 10:02:51 187 Tiny change: '
en60 English tweety 2016-07-29 09:33:03 13 Tiny change: 'h | [user:suhgyuho,2017-04-0' -> 'h | [user:williamgyuhosuh,2017-04-0'
en59 English tweety 2016-07-24 08:59:23 13 Tiny change: 'pation |\nAndrea Jaba | &mdas' -> 'pation |\nMaded Batara | &mdas'
en58 English tweety 2016-07-20 17:35:09 492
en57 English tweety 2016-07-15 13:57:54 172
en56 English tweety 2016-07-15 13:55:03 572
en55 English tweety 2016-07-12 17:58:56 2 Tiny change: '-05-16] | \n[Nigeria](' -> '-05-16] | [Nigeria]('
en54 English tweety 2016-07-12 17:58:12 240
en53 English tweety 2016-07-12 17:56:46 89
en52 English tweety 2016-07-12 17:56:05 4915
en51 English tweety 2016-06-26 09:31:05 18
en50 English tweety 2016-06-23 22:54:18 789
en49 English tweety 2016-06-16 08:19:30 18 Tiny change: 'a | [user:tasmeemreza,2016-04-11] | [Bangl' -> 'a | [user:Bruteforceman] | [Bangl'
en48 English tweety 2016-06-04 21:29:15 619
en47 English tweety 2016-05-28 02:12:57 573
en46 English tweety 2016-05-25 03:11:03 1326
en45 English tweety 2016-05-21 22:02:02 588
en44 English tweety 2016-05-21 21:56:42 1132
en43 English tweety 2016-05-19 23:23:56 432
en42 English tweety 2016-05-16 16:39:39 1078
en41 English tweety 2016-05-14 17:05:02 2 Tiny change: ' |\n[Yikual Li](http:' -> ' |\n[Yikuan Li](http:'
en40 English tweety 2016-05-14 11:30:30 89 Tiny change: 'nd me a PM.\nShout-ou' -br
en39 English tweety 2016-05-14 11:26:59 877
en38 English tweety 2016-05-14 01:24:10 2209
en37 English tweety 2016-05-12 00:12:10 1029 Tiny change: ' Panda | [sampriti] ' -
en36 English tweety 2016-05-10 21:48:52 7 Tiny change: 'to Venev](stats.ioin' -> 'to Venev](http://stats.ioin'
en35 English tweety 2016-05-10 21:43:07 23 Tiny change: 'es/DOM) | First Participation |\nJuha H' -
en34 English tweety 2016-05-10 21:34:29 112
en33 English tweety 2016-05-10 21:20:02 687
en32 English tweety 2016-05-10 20:17:01 156
en31 English tweety 2016-05-09 21:48:21 613
en30 English tweety 2016-05-08 23:50:23 264
en29 English tweety 2016-05-08 23:50:02 132 Reverted to en27
en28 English tweety 2016-05-08 23:49:11 132
en27 English tweety 2016-05-08 23:46:37 558
en26 English tweety 2016-05-08 19:08:25 1661
en25 English tweety 2016-05-06 01:26:56 4 Tiny change: '[user:dwik,2016-04-04] | [Syria' -> '[user:dwik] | [Syria'
en24 English tweety 2016-05-04 19:59:05 484
en23 English tweety 2016-04-28 17:20:30 996
en22 English tweety 2016-04-25 22:02:52 2 Tiny change: 'g/people/5780) | [user' -> 'g/people/5670) | [user'
en21 English tweety 2016-04-25 18:48:49 602
en20 English tweety 2016-04-18 16:45:57 21 Tiny change: 'pation |\nTakahiro Masuda | [user:P' -> 'pation |\nPedro Henrique | [user:P'
en19 English tweety 2016-04-17 22:51:34 583
en18 English tweety 2016-04-17 11:31:04 1118
en17 English tweety 2016-04-17 11:26:29 559
en16 English tweety 2016-04-14 21:18:14 534
en15 English tweety 2016-04-12 23:33:45 575
en14 English tweety 2016-04-12 22:05:14 644
en13 English tweety 2016-04-11 22:14:46 535
en12 English tweety 2016-04-09 13:06:20 7 Tiny change: ' <a href="' -> ' <a href="'
en11 English tweety 2016-04-09 13:05:31 519 Tiny change: 'ab&swk=1#/a/li
en10 English tweety 2016-04-06 07:32:16 2 Tiny change: ' | 2015 ![G] |\nMahmo' -> ' | 2015 ![S] |\nMahmo'
en9 English tweety 2016-04-05 20:46:41 4680
en8 English tweety 2016-04-05 20:06:12 236 Tiny change: '2014 ![G] 2015 ![G]' -
en7 English tweety 2016-04-05 20:01:32 571
en6 English tweety 2016-04-05 19:41:14 546
en5 English tweety 2016-04-05 19:22:06 570
en4 English tweety 2016-04-05 13:38:51 1199 Tiny change: '/5632) | [Japan]' -
en3 English tweety 2016-04-04 21:55:38 1 Tiny change: '15 |\nSamier Aldroubi' -> '15 |\nSamir Aldroubi'
en2 English tweety 2016-04-04 21:38:03 92
en1 English tweety 2016-04-04 21:34:24 2156 Initial revision (published)