Surprise Language Round #8

Revision en1, by MikeMirzayanov, 2016-06-16 00:45:13

Surprise Language Round #8 will start on June 16, 16:00 (UTC). It will be unusual entertaining contest. Solutions on the only programming language will be allowed.

Thus, it is expected that during the round, participants can get acquainted with the language and solve a few simple problems. The language will be announced 30 minutes before the start of the round. At the same time (or earlier but encrypted archives) we will publish the archives with the tools to write programs in this language.

I am pleased to announce that the top 20 participants will receive an exclusive t-shirt, and another 10 random participants among those who solved at least three problems will receive an exclusive t-shirt too.

The rules of the contest are as follows:

  • The contest is unrated for everybody.
  • The round uses ACM ICPC rules: the standing is defined by the number of solved problems, ties are resolved based on penalty time. Initially the penalty is 0, and for each solved problem it is increased by submission time (since the start of the contest) + 20 minutes for each failed submission. The solution is considered to be correct if it passes all tests from a predefined test set; you know whether the solution is right immediately after sending it. There are no hacks.
  • The round will have 8-10 problems, sorted by estimated complexity, and you have 2 hours to solve it.
  • Solutions are accepted only in one language, which will be announced in 30 minutes before the contest.
  • Please reread this post at the beginning of the contest: we will announce the language and add instructions to install the compiler (the contest interface will provide an option to run your solutions online as well) and links to useful manuals. Other than that, learning the language is up to the competitor. You can use any resources to solve the problems (as long as you remember that this is an individual competition); you don't have to limit yourself to the manuals provided in the post.

Good luck!

Tags surprise, surprise language, surprise language round, unknown language


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
ru7 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:44:50 25
en6 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:44:32 25
en5 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:41:41 53
ru6 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:41:28 53
en4 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:29:29 1412
ru5 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:29:14 1435
ru4 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 18:22:44 2 Мелкая правка: 'архивы запоролены, па' -> 'архивы запаролены, па'
en3 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 17:30:18 541
ru3 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 17:27:59 470 Мелкая правка: 'е.\n\n|OS|-|\n|=|=|\n|Linux|' -
en2 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 00:45:41 8
en1 English MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 00:45:13 2143 Initial revision for English translation
ru2 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 00:37:48 23 Мелкая правка: ' же время мы опубли' -> ' же время (или даже чуть раньше) мы опубли'
ru1 Russian MikeMirzayanov 2016-06-16 00:30:47 2097 Первая редакция (опубликовано)