Checklist for OI problems
Difference between en6 and en7, changed 253 character(s)
**Update 2018.11.01**: [user:Rezwan.Arefin01,2018-11-01] made a very cool webapp which contains identical problemset, but with more usability. Thank you very much! [You can check it here.](↵

**Note: There was some updates in 2018.10.05.** See [here]( for changes!↵

Hello! APIO 2018 is near the end, and IOI 2018 is in this September. I hope you are preparing it well! ↵

I'm here to present my OI problem checklist : ↵


I used this to train myself in IOI 2015~2016, and to train Korean IOI 2017 Team (probably 2018 too). For long it was in the "beta" phase, but I think it's now good enough to share!↵

This problemset contains about 300 ~ 400 hard and interesting problems, with appropriate judge links given. (If there is problem in judging, maybe [user:ojuz,2018-05-12] can help that..)↵

[Google Docs Link](↵

I hope this can help anyone preparing for future OIs, and a complete answer to the question "How to excel at IOI-style contests" :D


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en7 English ko_osaga 2018-11-01 11:38:29 253 Tiny change: 'very cool Web App which c' -> 'very cool webapp which c'
en6 English ko_osaga 2018-10-04 20:02:20 17 Tiny change: '**Important: There wa' -> '**Note: There wa'
en5 English ko_osaga 2018-10-04 20:01:24 139 Tiny change: 'ortant**: We had some upda' -> 'ortant**: There was some upda'
en4 English ko_osaga 2018-10-04 19:38:36 315
en3 English ko_osaga 2018-05-12 20:12:26 4 Tiny change: 'e you are all preparing' -> 'e you are preparing'
en2 English ko_osaga 2018-05-12 20:07:41 0 (published)
en1 English ko_osaga 2018-05-12 20:06:19 1180 Initial revision (saved to drafts)