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Competitive C++ Manifesto: A Style Guide

Revision en1, by HosseinYousefi, 2019-01-01 08:02:18

Hi CF Community! Happy New Year!

There are many style guides for C++ out there, but we can't really use them as competitive programmers. We just want to write our code correctly as fast as possible! Trying to hack people here on codeforces, I realized there is a need for a style guide! Our goal is to write correct, fast, clear and consistent code.


This is not a rulebook. You can integrate parts of it into your coding style. Don't overthink it, especially during a contest!

I'm going to use this guide for myself and to teach my students. I'm planning to make some good stuff in the future following these principles! Stay tuned!


Make use of C++17. Use -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow flags for compilation, and try to eliminate all of the warning messages, this will prevent you from having some silly bugs.


C++ libraries use snake_case for functions and classes, in order to differentiate the user-defined code from the standard library, we will use CamelCase.

  • Types use UpperCamelCase: Point, SegTree
  • Functions and variables use lowerCamelCase: someMethod, someVariable
  • Macros and constants use all capital letters seperated by _: SOME_MACRO, MAX_N, MOD
  • Use meaningful names or at least meaningful enough for you.
#define LOCAL
const double PI = 3.14;

struct MyPoint {
    int x, y;
    bool someProperty;
    int someMethod() {
        return someProperty ? x : y;


Using snake_case is fine, but be consistent!


In competitive programming, you usually don't want to write long comments, but in case you do want to write some comments, write them using // instead of /* */. Using // enables you to comment out a chunk of code with /* */ while debugging, and /* /* ... */ */ is a bug!

/* commenting out a block of code - no problem!
// some comment about the function below...
void someFunction() {
    // do something



Control flow statements are if / else / for / while / ...

  • Indent using 2 or 4 spaces uniformly. Avoid using tabs since it might make the code stretched out in different websites (e.g. Codeforces) and also in print (e.g. ICPC). Set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key.
  • Braces always open on the same line but close on a new line.
  • Preferably always use braces for control flow statement blocks even if it's currently only one line.
  • else should start on the same line after closing brace of if block.
  • Keep lines a reasonable length, some say 80 columns!
  • There should be exactly one blank line between methods. This helps you to organize your code better.
  • There should be no blank line after an opening brace or before a closing brace.
  • Binary operations should be spaced from both sides.
  • Unary operations should only be spaced from the left side.
  • Brackets <> [] {} are a part of their identifier like a[5], vector<int> or pair{1, 2}.
  • Parentheses should only be spaced from outside like (-a[3] + b) * (c + d).
  • Semicolons and commas should only be spaced from the right side.
  • Question marks and colons should be spaced from both sides (unlike English!). The only exceptions are labels like public: or switch cases case 10:.
  • There should not be any extra spaces at the end of each line.
  • Add a single newline character at the end of the file.
  • There should be exactly one space after control flow statements like if (flag).
  • In contrast to control flow statements, function calls should not be spaced like func(arg).
  • Preprocess statements should be written like #define SOME_MACRO and #include <iostream>.
  • Templates should be written like template <typename T> and a new line.
  • Scope resolution operator :: is a part of the identifier and should not be spaced.
  • Pointer and reference are a part of the type, space accordingly! Like int* ptr and const string& str. To avoid bugs, declare only one pointer per line.
  • . and -> operator should not be spaced. When -> is used to show return type (like in lambda expressions) it should be spaced from both sides.
  • Lambda expressions should be written like [](int x) -> int { return x + 1; }. The return type can be omitted most of the times. Feel free to expand the body exactly like a function if it has more than 1 line of code.
  • When overloading operators, treat them like functions, no spacing in the name like bool operator!();
  • Ellipsis ... should only be spaced from the left side.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

const int DIFF = 10;

template <typename T>
struct Point {
    T x, y;
    Point(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Point& p) {
        return os << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")";

int main() {
    vector<Point<int>> v;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        v.push_back({i, i + DIFF});
    for (auto p : v) {
        if (p.x + DIFF == p.y) {
            cout << p << '\n';
        } else {
            cout << "huh!?\n"; // will never get printed!
(0, 10)
(1, 11)
(2, 12)
(3, 13)
(4, 14)

Competitive Coding Recommendations

  • Use #include <bits/stdc++.h> instead of many includes.
  • Use using namespace std; instead of typing std:: every time.
  • Use using instead of typedef, for example using ll = long long;. Rationale: It's more consistent with the style of modern C++.
  • Use struct instead of class. Rationale: It defaults to public, and you don't need encapsulation in competitive programming!
  • Don't use too many macros but don't be afraid of using macros! Rationale: It's not easy to debug and read a code full of ugly macros. but we're hackers after all!
  • Use const for defining a constant instead of #define. Rationale: consts have a type, and they are evaluated at compile time.
  • To avoid bugs, you can use curly braces for each case of switch statement.
  • Use auto to increase readability and decrease code size.
  • Use braced initializer lists.
  • Use emplace and emplace_back for containers when dealing with pairs and tuples. Rationale: (elem1, elem2, ...) instead of ({elem1, elem2, ...}).
  • Use lambda functions! They're especially useful when passing functions as arguments like in sort. Don't repeat yourself, use lambda functions in your code instead of copy/pasting.
  • Use nullptr instead of NULL or 0.
  • Boolean values are true and false!
  • Use ios::sync_with_stdio(false); and cin.tie(nullptr); for a faster I/O using cin/cout.
  • Use builtin functions starting with __builtin.
  • GCD and LCM are available in C++ under gcd and lcm.
  • Use C++11 for-each style for loops for (auto& elem : vec).
  • Use C++17 binding style like for (auto& [key, val] : dic) and auto [x, y] = myPoint;
  • Use C++17 template argument deduction pair p{1, 2.5}; instead of pair<int, double> p{1, 2.5};.
  • If you have a lot of nested loops and conditions, refactor! You probably should be using functions.
  • Never use goto! But be brave enough to use goto when you want to break from several nested loops (in case you just can't refactor it)!
  • Some websites like codeforces use the flag -DONLINE_JUDGE to compile your code, this means that you can remove your cerrs or your debug functions automatically or redirect input/output to file instead of stdin/stdout, etc.
#define cerr if (false) cerr
// Alternatively this can be done using a local -DLOCAL flag
// when compiling on your machine, and using #ifndef LOCAL instead.
  • Prefer using normal operators like !, &&, ||, ^, ... instead of their alternative representations not, and, or, xor, .... Rationale: We're not coding in python!
  • Break down your code into different smaller functions. Your code will be cleaner and easier to debug.
  • Don't try to be too clever!
  • Don't reinvent the wheel!Make use of standard library!
  • Use common sense and be consistent!

Read more


Any suggestions are welcome. You can contribute to this post by commenting or using GitHub.

Tags c++, manifesto


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English HosseinYousefi 2019-01-02 00:46:41 350
en2 English HosseinYousefi 2019-01-01 16:58:43 108 Adding a new read more
en1 English HosseinYousefi 2019-01-01 08:02:18 9071 Initial revision (published)