Hello Codeforces!
We are thrilled to invite you to CodeCraft-20 (Div. 2), which is to take place on Mar/04/2020 17:35 (Moscow time). The contest is rated for all participants with ratings under 2100.
The contest comes under the wing of Threads '20, the annual technical fest, a part of Felicity, IIIT Hyderabad .
Participants will be asked to solve 6 problems in 2 hours . Scoring will be announced just before the contest .
The problems were created by gaurav172, lazyneuron, preet_t and shaanknight .
We want to thank all the people for making this contest possible .
- Our Coordinator antontrygubO_o for the immense help and guidance.
- All the testers of the round : codelegend, aryanc403, _overrated_, Halzion, nvmdava, Rahul, sigma_g, pllk, vivace_jr, hoke_t, pajenegod, Arpanet, suzaku_kuru, heisenberg97, TselmegKh, swetanjal, MohamedMagdy.
- coder_h, riz_1_, night_fury208, firebolt, Altitude, matcoder for help in the problem preparation.
- AnimeshSinha1309, madlad, pk1210 for contributing to the initital set of ideas for the problems .
- Ashishgup for pushing our contest in front of the Codeforces coordinators .
- And finally, MikeMirzayanov for the great platforms, Codeforces and Polygon.
Wish you luck and hope you like the problems !!
UPD 1:
UPD 2:
Congratulations to the winners of the round.
Div 1
Div 2