An easy implementation problem and one single for loop solution! O(N)

Revision en1, by sayeed_1999, 2021-07-04 20:58:02

Question 1:

You are given a sentence as a string. The sentence may have more than one space in between its words and also extra space at the beginning and end of the string. You have to print only the first letters of each word of the given sentence as a string.

Example test cases:

input: abc def ghi output: adg

input: abc def z output: adz


string s; cin >> s; // take user sentence input

s.insert(0, ' '); // insert an extra space at the begining of string so that all the words surely have a space before it!

for(int i=1; s[i]; i++) { if( s[i-1]==' ' && s[i]!=' ' ) cout << s[i]; }

tricky implementation, wasn't it?!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en5 English sayeed_1999 2021-07-04 21:03:10 8
en4 English sayeed_1999 2021-07-04 21:02:12 46
en3 English sayeed_1999 2021-07-04 21:00:51 22
en2 English sayeed_1999 2021-07-04 20:59:22 12
en1 English sayeed_1999 2021-07-04 20:58:02 751 Initial revision (published)