Hello Everyone!↵
I would like to invite you to [Code Cadet-XXII](https://assessment.hackerearth.com/challenges/college/code-cadet-XXII/), a coding contest organized by [Manan — A techno surge](https://manantechnosurge.com), coding society of [JC Bose UST, Faridabad](https://jcboseust.ac.in).↵
It will take place on [Friday, September 24, 2021 at 9:00pm IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Codecadet+-+XXII&iso=20210924T21&p1=176&ah=2)↵
You will be given **6 problems** to be solved in **2 hours**.↵
I would like to thank Codecadet team -- [user:virender,2021-09-23], [user:sahil990,2021-09-23], [user:vivek1401,2021-09-23] and [user:nikhil1_raghav,2021-09-23] for helping in preparing and testing problems for the contest.↵
### Prizes↵
**1st Prize- 2000 INR**↵
**2nd Prize- 1500 INR**↵
**Register here for Prizes** :- [bit.ly/codeCadet-Registration](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKhoyMAcU-q8ooccdDeeOsCxj46AAv_1mXjYyj_uhfqTDYKA/viewform)↵
**Contest Link** :- [bit.ly/codeCadet-XXII](https://assessment.hackerearth.com/challenges/college/code-cadet-XXII/)↵
If you don't have an account on HackerEarth, create one first using↵
**NOTE : Don't forget to register for the prizes**↵
Good luck to all the participants!
I would like to invite you to [Code Cadet-XXII](https://assessment.hackerearth.com/challenges/college/code-cadet-XXII/), a coding contest organized by [Manan — A techno surge](https://manantechnosurge.com), coding society of [JC Bose UST, Faridabad](https://jcboseust.ac.in).↵
It will take place on [Friday, September 24, 2021 at 9:00pm IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Codecadet+-+XXII&iso=20210924T21&p1=176&ah=2)↵
You will be given **6 problems** to be solved in **2 hours**.↵
I would like to thank Codecadet team -- [user:virender,2021-09-23], [user:sahil990,2021-09-23], [user:vivek1401,2021-09-23] and [user:nikhil1_raghav,2021-09-23] for helping in preparing and testing problems for the contest.↵
### Prizes↵
**1st Prize- 2000 INR**↵
**2nd Prize- 1500 INR**↵
**Register here for Prizes** :- [bit.ly/codeCadet-Registration](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKhoyMAcU-q8ooccdDeeOsCxj46AAv_1mXjYyj_uhfqTDYKA/viewform)↵
**Contest Link** :- [bit.ly/codeCadet-XXII](https://assessment.hackerearth.com/challenges/college/code-cadet-XXII/)↵
If you don't have an account on HackerEarth, create one first using↵
**NOTE : Don't forget to register for the prizes**↵
Good luck to all the participants!