After briefly looking through the scoreboard for [contest:1624], which is still in the hacking phase as of when I posted this, I noticed what appears to be cheating. All users shown in the first screenshot, with the exception of those in the top and bottom row, have exactly the same submission time for every problem. Additionally, the submissions of theirs I looked at are filled with comments and macros that appear to be random in an attempt to avoid the Codeforces cheat detection system (an example of which is shown in the second screenshot).↵
As an aside, is there a better way to handle such issues than cluttering the recent actions bar with a blog post? Thanks in advance.↵
![ ](/predownloaded/a2/57/a257a5693b7f24b61cdecaafac6c4f79b3af1c77.png)↵
![ ](/predownloaded/bc/5a/bc5abe10d9825a7a0a84315a8a4dc1df6fc278ff.png)
As an aside, is there a better way to handle such issues than cluttering the recent actions bar with a blog post? Thanks in advance.↵
![ ](/predownloaded/a2/57/a257a5693b7f24b61cdecaafac6c4f79b3af1c77.png)↵
![ ](/predownloaded/bc/5a/bc5abe10d9825a7a0a84315a8a4dc1df6fc278ff.png)