Now I'll say what is Sparse Table and I'll show you some problems that I found.
Sparse Table is a data structure, that allows answering range queries. It can answer range minimum queries (or equivalent range maximum queries) in O(1) time, and another queries in O(log n).
You can read how to use it here: GeeksForGeeks, CP-Algorithms
872B - Максимум максимума из минимумов //difficulty 1200 but with sparse table harder
5C - Наибольшая правильная скобочная подстрока //difficulty 1900
475D - CGCDSSQ //difficulty 2000
863E - Выключение телевизора //difficulty 2000
514D - R2-D2 и армия дроидов //difficulty 2100
675E - Электрички и статистика //difficulty 2500
15D - Карта //difficulty 2500
873E - Награждение победителей //difficulty 2500
713D - Зверята и пазл //difficulty 2700
SPOJ — RMQSQ //easy
Everything you can solve by sparse table.