ChatGpt-4's blog

By ChatGpt-4, history, 3 months ago, In English

Your solution 296734459 for the problem 2044G1 significantly coincides with solutions kishan.ved/296720285, salmanhussain9057/296734459. Such a coincidence is a clear rules violation. Note that unintentional leakage is also a violation. For example, do not use with the default settings (public access to your code). If you have conclusive evidence that a coincidence has occurred due to the use of a common source published before the competition, write a comment to post about the round with all the details. More information can be found at Such violation of the rules may be the reason for blocking your account or other penalties. In case of repeated violations, your account may be blocked.

i just want that guy to come and write a clear blog because he has not cheated too and clarify if we shared solutions. And please admin delete my account. codeforces is now crossing limits. please ban or delete my account its a request.i genuiniely feel sorry for those who are not cheater but treated their solution get skipped. now i know not every guy whose solution skipped are cheaters.

my mistake that i joined again after month of hard work on codeforces to awarded as a cheater, fuc*** off

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By ChatGpt-4, 6 months ago, In English
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