Just a kindly reminder that TopCoder SRM #568 will start in about hour and a half
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
7 | djm03178 | 151 |
9 | luogu_official | 149 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
Just a kindly reminder that TopCoder SRM #568 will start in about hour and a half
I would really appreciate any new ideas of what new features to add
I would also appreciate donations
Kattis support for both Chrome and Contest parsers. You'd need to accept new permissions for Chrome extension. Good luck at ACM ICPC World Finals online contest!
Codechef fix
Fixed issue with template selection and Chrome plugin interaction
Smallish update — you can now select task template per task. You can have several templates for general tasks, one where you need to output with Case #, GCJ where you need to integrate parallelization and similar
Support for Idea 14.1+
Parsers for RCC and USACO fixed
You can now parse other Codeforces contests when live contest is ongoing
Sorry for big delay, it was couple of crazy months for me
All parsers should work now. Chrome extension may disable itself on update, reenable it
Bayan support (will be live after Chrome store will approve update), fix for GCJ and HackerRank
Fixed Java 8 support. From now on Java 8 is target version, previous Java versions may or may not work properly
Also speed up and for RCC parsing, HackerRank parsing fix and Delete Task pop up fix
GCJ support should be fixed now. Also RCC support is fixed. Please note that non-current round take a lot of time to load as there is no place where I can see all round ids (it may appear after second round, I'll update then). Please also note that 1st round is currently have 2 instances as both id 4 and id 7 corresponds to it. I'm not sure how well my plugin will handle increased load on their servers and weird pages returned because of it, but I hope for the best
TopCoder checker support coming up in next release
GCJ support fixed, also GCJ is now supported through Chrome extension as well
Fix for Idea 13.1
Mostly fixes (Codeforces, Hackerrank, Yandex). Includes new memory limits support for TC and new action to edit task (if you for some reason do not want to do this through Edit configurations)
Facebook Hacker Cup and USACO support through Chrome plugin. Also HackerRank should work now
HackerRank support. Also compatible with Java 6
Added Codeforces support for Chrome extension. Should be usefull for those Gym contest that have non pdf/doc/etc problem statements
Rejoice Chrome users — there is now extension to Chrome that will assist in parsing Yandex.Contest tasks. Support for other sites (Codeforces Gym, for example) is coming as well. You will be prompted to install Chrome extension on first load of CHelper-supported project
You can download extension here
Some bugfixes and improvements are also included (Timus should work for now)
GCJ support finally! With it comes new type of input — local regular expression. Main classes build with this input type would take most recently modified file that matches provided regexp as input.
Also some little fixes to smart testing
Small fix due to Russian CodeCup page format change. GCJ support would be developed during next week
Smart testing
New mode, which automatically will test your program only on first failed test from last run and will test on all tests if that test will pass. With this feature you can easily start debug on failed test without need to switch tests on/off. This mode is on by default, you can disable it in project settings
Also test case generation mechanism changed a bit. You now can have at most one class with test cases, but multiple test case methods in it. This method shoule be annotated @TestCase. For compatibility if test class implements TestProvider/TopCoderTestProvider createTests() would still be called. If you create checker or test class through task settings it will now automatically be opened
Finally, templates for TopCoder are introduced
Templates for automatically generated stubs added 3 new files are automatically added to eligible projects (i. e. projects with chelper.properties) — TaskClass.template, CheckerClass.template and TestCaseClass.template. You may use following placeholders in all this files: %package% — package where file will be created %InputClass% — short name of input class %InputClassFQN% — fully qualified name of input class (used in imports) %OutputClass% — short name of output class %OutputClassFQN% — fully qualified name of output class (used in imports)
Also you can use %TaskClass% in TaskClass.template, %CheckerClass% in CheckerClass.template and %TestCaseClass% in TestCaseClass.template, which is basically short class names of corresponding classes
Would you delete this files by mistake they would be recreated next time you reopen project or when they are needed
TopCoder gengerated files are currently do not have templates, will do in next version
Previous version was built using Java 1.7, which may lead for Idea to fail on start up if run under Java 1.6. If this is your case please download it here and unpack to %home%\.IntelliJIdea%version%\config\plugins
This version contains minor and major changes
Minor change is hopefully last iteration of changes in TopCoder support. From now on you do not need to restart arena after restarting Idea. Also socket method is reinstaited with more checks to insure no fails and with automatic back up from file method
Major change is contributed mostly by Petr and provides support for Cojac. This is to help find errors such as unitended integer overflow and others. Support is turned off by default, you can turn it on or off for separate task in task configuration as well as for all new tasks in project settings
Urgent — temporary TopCoder fix
Leda (Idea 12) readiness
3.02 — even smaller update
Force locale setting was cleared on opening of Edit Tests dialog (and some others)
3.01 — small update:
Timus current/future contests now works
Redundant caption removed
So I decided it is a good time to go on with the release.
You can read intallation (and some other, under development) instructions here. I would not recommend manual installation, but you can download plugin directly here.
You are welcome to contribute and/or provide translations for manual for different languages. Source code is located here
Feature requests are appretiated as well
Good news everyone!
Today at 16:00 UTC a dozen people will get their places in Parallel Round 3B ;)
Good luck all!
Good news everyone!
Next TopCoder SRM scheduled today at 15:10 UTC
New version released because of some TopCoder parsing bugs lately (SRM 530 Div-2 Medium, SRM 531 Div-2 Easy and SRM 534 Div-1 Medium). Other features: UI: switch task to current editor and editor to current task automatically Fixed width font for tests
Download link Configuration format had not changed
UPD: CodeChef generation fixed
Site | Contest ID | Problemset task ID | Contest task ID |
Codeforces | contest_id (131) | contest_id letter (131 A) | contest_id letter (131 A) |
CodeChef | contest_code (NOV11) | problem_code (GCD2) | contest_code problem_code (NOV11 DOMNOCUT) |
Timus | contest_id (101) | problem_id (1000) | contest_id problem_number (101 1) |
Defect | Task generation: CodeChef: Multiple samples not working |
Defect | TopCoder: main method not deleted even if unused |
Enhancement | Task Generation: E-Olimp support |
Enhancement | Task Generation: Timus support |
Enhancement | Tester: add option to trunkate long input/output and enable it by default |
Enhancement | Parser: remember selected contest/task site for current session |
Enhancement | Add universal interface for task generation |
Enhancement | Tester: ability to pass message from checker irrespective from verdict type |
Defect | New Task: default directory should be created if absent |
Enhancement | Create action to copy full source in order to submit to judges that do not provide file selection as option |
Enhancement | Task generation: support for CodeChef |
Name |