MVernik's blog

By MVernik, 3 years ago, In English

No words.

Julia, died in Kharkiv during a rocket attack.

  • Silver medal in EGMO (European Girls` Mathematical Olympiad)

Why? Is it fare?


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By MVernik, history, 4 years ago, In English
Good Morning


You're given a set of hotel rooms, each room has it's own priority and each room has a client.

You have to minimize the number of repeating clients in the hotel rooms, according to the rules:

  • You can only swap clients with the same priority.
  • You are not allowed to swap rooms.
  • You are not allowed to swap priorities.

0 < Rooms < 1000
0 < Priority < 10^9
'A' < Client < 'Z'



The following example shows:
- in the picture1 — client "B" is repeating.
- in the picture2 — there are no repeating clients.


  1. I converted it to the graph and tried DFS + Multiset, but the complexity was exponential
  2. Tried to create a solution using randomization, but I didn't get to it.
  3. I googled and didn't find similar problems.

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By MVernik, history, 4 years ago, translation, In English

Often I notice in CF posts apology sentences about bad English. I think this time has come!

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By MVernik, history, 5 years ago, translation, In English

Hi there!

I'm searching for good algorithms for the "Recommendation system". If you have any suggestions about what could be good, please let me know.

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By MVernik, history, 5 years ago, In English


Back-end part: int[][] matrix = new int[n][m]; int[] array = new int[n*m]; traversMatrix(matrix); traversArray(array); Client part: function traversMatrix(matrix : int[][]) for (i..n) for (j..m) doActions(); function traversArray(array : int[]) for (i..array.size()) doActions(); =================================== Time Complexity for traversMatrix: Quadratic Time Complexity for traversArray : Linear? Why?

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By MVernik, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello, the community!

  • I and my friend decided to create a channel where we post real code from production and show people where algorithmic code used in real life.

  • Actually we'd be thrilled to see you here

Code Snippets

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