Mikaeel's blog

By Mikaeel, history, 4 years ago, In English


We have a website for Olympiad in which there are educational contents and exams.
I've wrote a code using CodeForces API which would take solved questions of each participant from our contests in CodeForces and put it in our website.
Now that CodeForces Edu is added, it would be nice if we could have the grades of our participants in this section, but since there is no public access to it in the API, I wanted to see if it's possible for it to be added to the API?

MikeMirzayanov pashka

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By Mikaeel, history, 4 years ago, In English


Timetable for this week goes like this :

YES means that in this day we will add new problems to the contest and NO means we don't.


Note that weeks start from Saturday.

This is this week's tags :

Beginner : math, greedy, implementation

Bronze : dp, number theory, math, bfs

Silver : dp, probabilities, data structures, binary search

Gold : dp, probabilities, graphs, binary search

Hope you enjoy it.

ps: we copy-paste this text every week and I guess that's kinda stupid, Isn't it?:(

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By Mikaeel, 5 years ago, In English

Hi Again! This is the timetable for this week's contests:

YES means that in this day we will add new problems to the contest and NO means we don't.


Note that weeks start from Saturday.

This is this week's tags :

Beginner: implementation — greedy — math

Bronze: sortings — greedy — math — strings

Silver: hashing — strings — ternary search — bitmasks

Gold: dsu — sqrt — matrices


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