Robi_Robi's blog

By Robi_Robi, history, 7 hours ago, In English

822124 is solving problems during contests and sharing the solutions on YouTube. I know that after this handle will be disabled, they will likely create a new one. Please take action to ensure they cannot access Codeforces. Because of such users, many hardworking participants don't receive the ratings they deserve!

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Update: I have reviewed some submissions, and many of them appear to be the same.

For Problem D: 302460567302461334, 302458064, 302459851, 302458943, 302457592, 302451504

For Problem C: 302449471302447393, 302450981, 302447627, 302446614

I noticed many more similar submissions, but I was too lazy to collect all of them. With users behaving like this, the contest is likely to be made unrated.

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