Viet_love_KA's blog

By Viet_love_KA, 4 months ago, In English

I am trying to build myself a struct polynomial and some operations on it. I have built and test successfully for inv(F) and ln(F) but somehow the exponent failed horribly. Can someone help me with that .

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By Viet_love_KA, history, 5 months ago, In English

Currently I am learning about generating functions and some problems of this type requires polynomials operation such as multiplication and exponents. But I cannot figure out what template to use. There are some templates such as CP-algorithms but I cannot digest it because it includes so many libraries that I cannot remember to use in some competitions. So can someone give a easy to comprehend template for Polynomials.


FFT , NTT for mod like 998244353 and 1e9+7 .

Logarithm of polynomials .

Exponent of polynomials .

Hopefully someone can share the link.

Thank you.

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