dondada's blog

By dondada, history, 3 years ago, In English

Apart from the ACM/ICPC rules of Educational contests, another said difference between educational rounds and regular rounds are the fact that educational contests problems can be solved with "well-known" techniques.

Surely there must be a collection of these "well-known" techniques that an individual can learn from topic-wise. If it is true that there isn't, is it possible to always link the name and perhaps some literature detailing the technique to each problem editorial? This way people who don't know that technique can do some further study.

For instance, I am curious to know the technique behind Awoo's favourite problem but it is not listed anywhere in the comments or editorial.

I think the edu rounds will bring educational value if editorials are backed with technique name and similar problems.

Please let me know thoughts in the comments. Does everyone know every technique tested in edu rounds? If not how do you associate it to other problems?

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By dondada, history, 4 years ago, In English

Are many coding platforms such as CF, holding back from fighting this consistent, rampant cheating carried out particularly by Indians because they are afraid of being called racists? Or is it because mitigating this greatly, will lead to a major dip in the number of participants on average?

For this sport to be considered elite, a lot of things need to change.

What happens when you are caught cheating in Chess?

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By dondada, history, 4 years ago, In English

If an Indian can cheat in a virtual interview, I don't know if they can ever stop cheating on Codeforces

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