This website has been out for twelve years and nothing has changed. Everything on this website is garbage, including the user interface, rating system, and problem quality. Where are the improvements? Please make this website better or it will quickly die to competitors like HackerRank and CodeChef. I am already switching to LeetCode because of its great UI, learning resources, and high problem quality. Mike, if you do not stop being lazy and add nothing useful in the next month, this website will die. I am sure others will also leave like me. Bye Codeforces!
Very Funny Joke. I Laughed. Thank You.
Pupil logic + roblox player = ...
The Downfall of Codeforces
By Robloxian(Contest rating 1281,pupil)
Why always This type of blogs are from from newbies or pupil. Its not even the constructive criticism . Man is just spitting shit.
Honestly, about the UI, the simpler the better. I wouldn't want some fancy javascript framework screwing up my browser with animations during a contest.
I didn't have much fun today, but when I saw this blog post, I was immediately amused. Thank you, Joker~