omg's blog

By omg, 23 months ago, In English

I am a woman, and I find it extremely hard to compete against others on this website since they are mostly males. Scientifically, it has been proven that women process information about three times slower than men, and women's brains tend to lose focus much more quickly than men's brains. There is a reason why companies like Google have created contests specifically designed for women.

Therefore, Codeforces needs to create contests that only women can participate in, so we actually have a chance at winning prizes. Codeforces should also implement another rating system that only includes women because it is currently impossible to get a high rank as a woman on this website when you are competing against tens of thousands of men.

If you want this website to grow, you have to make it more inclusive for all genders. Otherwise, this website will continue to be a sexist website that only supports men.

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By omg, history, 3 years ago, In English

This website has been out for twelve years and nothing has changed. Everything on this website is garbage, including the user interface, rating system, and problem quality. Where are the improvements? Please make this website better or it will quickly die to competitors like HackerRank and CodeChef. I am already switching to LeetCode because of its great UI, learning resources, and high problem quality. Mike, if you do not stop being lazy and add nothing useful in the next month, this website will die. I am sure others will also leave like me. Bye Codeforces!

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

This is my first visit on Codeforces. I hope I will learn a lot and become a better programmer. I was recommended this website by a friend who told me that it hosts contests frequently. I can already see the huge number of problems it offers!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

Hello! Codeforces Round #662 (Div. 2) will start at Friday, August 7, 2020 at 10:35UTC-4. You will be offered 6 or 7 problems (or 8) with expected difficulties to compose an interesting competition for participants with ratings up to 2100. However, all of you who wish to take part and have rating 1600 or higher, can register for the round unofficially.

The round will be hosted by rules of educational rounds (extended ACM-ICPC). Thus, during the round, solutions will be judged on preliminary tests, and after the round it will be a 12-hour phase of open hacks. I tried to make strong tests — just like you will be upset if many solutions fail after the contest is over.

You will be given 6 or 7 (or 8) problems and 2 hours to solve them.

Note that the penalty for the wrong submission in this round (and the following Div. 2 rounds) is 10 minutes.

Thanks to MikeMirzayanov for the platform, help with ideas for problems and for coordination of my work. Thanks to my good friends Daria ZeroAmbition Stepanova, Mikhail pikmike Piklyaev, Maksim Ne0n25 Mescheryakov and Ivan BledDest Androsov for help in round preparation and testing the round. Also thanks to Artem Rox Plotkin and Dmitrii overrated Umnov for the discussion of ideas and testing the round!

Good luck!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

How does India have only 1 gold medal in IOI? It is literally the 2nd most populated country in the world. Are they that stupid or does everyone cheat their way to get there?

Codechef, the site made by Indians, is also complete trash. The people who made it are incompetent losers who don't care about cheating. It's probably because the developers are used to cheating too.

Now, Indians are taking over Codeforces. Soon this site will become Cheatforces with all these Indians! Please prohibit Indians from participating in Codeforces contests!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

Why do some problemsetters take like 12 hours to publish their editorial? It should already be made before the contest and should be published instantly after the contest ends. Please don't be lazy! Publish the editorials right after the contest is done!

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

Everytime I submit a solution, it says this:

Why is this site always broke? It should tell me whether my solution was accepted or not. This site is so slow, and nobody bothers to fix it. I guarantee this website will die soon if no changes are made!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

The first step to become good at competitive programming is to learn classes. They are complex and provide a great introduction into competitive programming because they are always used. Most of the people who don't know classes are newbies, so if you know them you are automatically a pupil. Once you are familiar with classes, you need to learn Quicksort. Quicksort is very useful because you have to sort all the time in competitive programming and using a sort function from the C++ Standard library is inefficient. This will easily make you a specialist. To be an expert, the only major topic you need to know is centroid decomposition. This is an advanced topic, but it appears very often. Learning this will allow you to reach expert in no time. Expert is one of the top ranks, so once you reach it, you can be sure you are among the best of the best. I hope you take my advice and become one of the greatest competitive programmers of all time.

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

Why does Codeforces not support Lua? Instead of adding an useless EDU section, Codeforces could have added new languages like Lua. Also, I am a Roblox game developer, so I am very used to it. It is a very fast language and will bring many new users. Please do something that people actually want!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

How am I getting wrong answer on Problem A? I think the judge is broke. This site is so stupid, nothing works! Please fix the judge.

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

Problem A

You have to realize that when the price of one donut is greater than or equal to price of the box of donuts the first x will be -1. If it's not it will be 1. Then for the second x you have to realize that when the price of the box of donuts divided by the number of donuts in the box is less than price of one donut the second x will be 1000000000. If it's not it will be -1.

Here is the solution:

Problem B

Problem C

Problem D

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

Problems on Codeforces take no skill. You just have to keep thinking of something randomly in your brain until you figure out the solution. It's random and takes barely any skill. The only reason why people with high rating are consistent is because they get lucky. Tourist, the best competitive programmer, cannot solve some problems on Codeforces. This just proves how solving problems on Codeforces is just completely luck.

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

Some of my comments get hidden because of the negative feedback. This is completely wrong and abusive because everyone should be able to see my opinion (even if people don't agree with me). The only way not to get your comment hidden is to agree with whatever everyone else thinks. This website is like an echo chamber. Please let me express my opinions freely!

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By omg, 5 years ago, In English

I think Codeforces should add division 5 contests for people rated less than 1200. The last division 4 contest was too challenging and I got very frustrated trying to solve the problems. It was basically equal to the difficulty of a division 3 contest. They need to make something much easier. Please add division 5 contests that are held every week.

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

Why do some people randomly get downvoted for no reason? Is it because they have low rating? It doesn't make sense. This just proves how toxic and immature the Codeforces community really is. I am ashamed to be a part of this community. It is an absolute disgrace. The only way not to get downvoted is by having high rating.

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces community. I have a very important question. Please help me answer it.

Edit: Sorry guys, I figured out the answer.

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By omg, history, 5 years ago, In English

I think it will take like three months since I am a good coder. I have experience creating Roblox games and Discord bots, so I already know most of the topics in competitive programming. The only reason I am not legendary grandmaster is because of my experience. I have only done competitive programming for two months, so I am not familiar with the format. Once I learn the format, I will never lose rating (as long as my internet doesn't go out like in the last three contests). What do you guys think?

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