Inspired by tmw's cses stream, I will do livestream solving Yosupo Library problems. I will start around 4am UTC, maybe slightly later, and I will probably go for around 6 hours, but maybe longer.
Here is the link: Yosupo Livestream Link
Hope to see you there! Also I will probably do more cf virtual livestreams in the future.
deep space waifus love superj6 streams >.<
glad to see the channel again! orz superj6
I am starting now.
Sorry for having facecam covering problem for first hour and taking forever at end failing to impl segment tree beats. Does anyone know what is wrong with it though lol?
I will continue similar streams around the same time over the next week or two to try to finish most of Yosupo, and I'll link those in the blog post text (and it shouldn't spam in recent actions that way hopefully).
Rip I am having copyright issues due to music :weary:.