Hey guys/girls/*,
I've made some simple memes about segment trees using imgflip templates. I need your help to create some more original ones, maybe based on your personal experiences at competitions, craziest problems involving segtree, famous people from CF using segtree etc.!
Maybe your's will be more fun
Who uses segtree when able to use fenwick???
Although segment tree is able to solve more problems, but as far as I know, Fenwick Tree is easier to code, and also has a smaller constant factor.
I only know how to code segtrees I do not know anything about fenwick trees
Says candidate master...
i'm candidate and i can't code either a segment tree nor a fenwick tree if my life depended on it.
Thats the difference, I shouldn't have memorized the code
I never learned Fenwick tree either.
You don't actually need segment trees to be specialist you know...
Maybe u're right, I just was wondered
Well yeah, but segment tree is just the best data structure in the world
It is quite useful, but not so easy to code though(personally)
I agree, just kidding :)
Who uses fenwick when able to use segtree???
I said: "when able to use segtree". Here I wasn't sure segtree won't TLE, so it doesn't fall into that category.
However I think BIT is much easier to code, though harder to understand. But when you can use BIT, you'll never want to code a Segtree. In my opinion, Sometimes Segtree costs more than BIT on constant time, and even a $$$O(n\log^2 n)$$$ BIT runs faster than $$$O(n\log n)$$$ Segtree.
btw, the third picture is too excessive.
I am using segtree instead of whatever in mlogn dijkstra
Meanwhile usaco using segment tree to do dijkstra
Is it faster?
Is using an iterative segment tree for Dijkstra faster than using the inbuilt priority queue performance-wise?
Well i use both but when it's comes to implementing fast i go with fenwick tree.
I just feel uncomfortable when I use segtree in the problem, where I could use fenwick.
I have never used a fenwick tree, I always use the atcoder's segment tree https://atcoder.github.io/ac-library/production/document_en/segtree.html
I have never asked
Never asked if you asked :P
God damnit you got me
Overkill with segtree <3
Oh god, I still remember I superoverkilled a 1200 rated problem once with segtree and lowerbounds lol. As a fact, I was so happy when I solved that problem after a cancer code only to realize it was 2 liner. I had a great mixture of laugh and cry that day :p
I still remember when some retards implememted dinic to an 800 problem so now there in an *800 problem with flow tag
I have seen similar things, do you have the link to that problem, so I can test my Edmonds-Karp? :)
... been there
Anybody else calls their booleans bool k? (dont downvote if you dont get the joke pleeeeeease)
Before becoming green, should I learn segment tree?!
You should learn binary-search