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hxu10's blog

By hxu10, history, 3 years ago, In English

Currently I have already got a PhD in physics, but I would like to find a job in computer science (like data scientist or SDE) instead of postdoc. However, my disadvantage is that I have no internship and programs to write. (My school forbid us to take internship that are not relevant to our study)

My advantage is that I have some "good" competitive programming results, like entering 2022 Google Code Jam round 3, Google Kick Start top 100 for three times.

I would like to include my codeforces rating in my CV, but many friends of me said to me:"no recruiter know codeforces." So I would like to ask everyone, does anyone has ever included codeforces in CV and what consequences?

Another question is that, if you write codeforces(or actcoder, leetcode...) results in CV, what rating do you write, like maximum rating or current rating? Thank you.

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3 years ago, # |
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phd in physics wow lmao why does everybody do physics and i dont :(

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    3 years ago, # ^ |
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    Hmm, but I think everyone do research in PDEs. (Me too).

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    20 months ago, # ^ |
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    because most of us hate chemistry!

3 years ago, # |
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Don't know about China. In India, Kickstart rankings and Codeforces ratings do help especially in getting referrels.

3 years ago, # |
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If they know, it will benefit you; if they don't, they will probably ignore it. I don't think it will have a negative consequence.

For the second question, I would prefer to write the max rating.

3 years ago, # |
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Since I expect most people won't even know what Codeforces is, but do know about Google, I'd suggest writing the achievements you mentioned in Google's competitions (or anything similar, maybe regionals). You may be prouder of your CF rating, and they still won't probably know what those are, but I think they sound more appealing.

3 years ago, # |
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Don't know the case in china but in India people do cp for job roles, it helps a lot (i have many examples in my college). You should include your cp acheivements in CV, will surely help, and people generally write their highest rating.

3 years ago, # |
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Idk about recruiters but when you're talking to engineers, they may sometimes know about CP and Codeforces. When I was applying for jobs a couple of years ago, I included my CP rating in my CV and got respect from interviewers a couple of times. Anyway, I don't really see how it can make your CV worse.

3 years ago, # |
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You can even compute your percentile or write "top X out of Y participants". Then any interviewer can appreciate your achievement.