We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s Starters 49, this Wednesday, 27th July, rated for Div 2, 3 & 4 Coders.
Time: 8 PM — 11:00 PM IST
Joining us on the problem setting panel are:
Setters: Utkarsh Utkarsh.25dec Gupta, Abhinav abhinavvv306 Sharma, Yash kulyash Kulkarni, Shanu ShanuSingroha Singroha, Tarun Tarun_0304 Arora, Abhinav abhi_inav Gupta,
Testers: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh, Jeevan JeevanJyot Jyot Singh
Statement Verifier: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh
Editorialists: Yash kulyash Kulkarni
Contest Admins: Utkarsh Utkarsh.25dec Gupta, Abhinav abhinavvv306 Sharma
The video editorials of the problems will be available on our YouTube channel as soon as the contest ends. Subscribe to get notifications about our new editorials.
Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas and are interested in them being used in CodeChef's contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating. Good Luck!
Auto comment: topic has been updated by abhinavvv306 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Most probably!
As always!
ya for me atleast
pay for codechef pro to unlock faster loading speeds :)
only pro users are getting the problems
of course, it wont load LMAO
Oh no! There are some problems with site!
Bad Gateway 505!
codechef being codechef
Expecting this!
looks like codechef has got a patent on 502 bad gateway
codechef again at its worst
Snack is still Down(((
503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
If you are going to postpose it, then please tell fast.
Is Codechef traffic that much higher than Codeforces, or did they just not bother scaling up their servers?
it's the 3rd time this month :(
Pro users can see this:
It wasn't working and the first problem already had like 150ish submissions :/
my opinion : I think duration of codechef contests should be reduced, 3 hours just increases plagiarism
The problem FARHOSTEL is the same as this problem.