HELo guYS I haVE noTISit THAt My FEL l W Fren (Away_in_the_heavens)sAID in HIS BLOck THAT the LAst DIb # queSTion C (THE thIrd ONE) was CopIED mY BLOG iS MADe to CONgraJolate his DISCOVerY (aLzo in botswana we found it a lot sooner BecUSE of THE sURPEriOR genES) but WEel done MY freN We All COn GarTUlate u THis !$62c HANd 17!$C ARE the SAME qUEStion
its a ME GAnnTy coRTOObitch (TooRist)
ANyWAY itS Been A gREAt TIme Here IMma gO get MY ban probABli cUZ miKEy doesN"T Likke me );
this IS a PICtuRE oF the RICk i LOve HE is Num ! IN The WORd L faMOUs