note that #829 and #830 is on the same day. 30min after the end of #829, #830 starts.
There is not enough time to update the rating.
so what will it be when I(CM) take part in #829, become a Master(but not shown), then take part in #830.
is #830 rated?
Both will be rated, but both ratings will be calculated after the second ends.
will the rating change be a single node or two nodes in my graph ?
It might be a chance for a account reaching GM with div.2 rounds only.
Hello Mike!
I participated in #829 and dropped to CM, though in #830 I would get to master again if it was rated but it's not, so why it's not rated?
This Label reminds me with an april fools contest , it said "is it rated ?" and the answer was simply "NO" XD
Whether you are rated or not is decided while registering only. Any changes to rating later won't affect.
why not 17:35 MSK ?????
Both will be RATED