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Sacchidananda's blog

By Sacchidananda, history, 22 months ago, In English

यथा घनोऽर्कप्रभवोऽर्कदर्शितो ह्यर्कांशभूतस्य च चक्षुषस्तम: । एवं त्वहं ब्रह्मगुणस्तदीक्षितो ब्रह्मांशकस्यात्मन आत्मबन्धन: ॥ ३२ ॥ — SB 12.4.32

yathā ghano ’rka-prabhavo ’rka-darśito hy arkāṁśa-bhūtasya ca cakṣuṣas tamaḥ evaṁ tv ahaṁ brahma-guṇas tad-īkṣito brahmāṁśakasyātmana ātma-bandhanaḥ

Translation: The light of the sun touches the water in the sea and lo! It takes form and incarnates as the cloud. The cloud born of the sun, illuminated by the sun, clouds the vision and hides the sun. So too, the ego born of the Self, enlivened by the Self, clouds the self and hides the infinite nature of the Self.

घनो यदार्कप्रभवो विदीर्यते चक्षु: स्वरूपं रविमीक्षते तदा । यदा ह्यहङ्कार उपाधिरात्मनो जिज्ञासया नश्यति तर्ह्यनुस्मरेत् ॥ ३३ ॥ — SB 12.4.33

ghano yadārka-prabhavo vidīryate cakṣuḥ svarūpaṁ ravim īkṣate tadā yadā hy ahaṅkāra upādhir ātmano jijñāsayā naśyati tarhy anusmaret

Translation: When the clouds move away, the eyes behold the sun. When the ego which confines and covers the Self subsides by the inquiry, the knowledge of the Self dawns in the horizon of the heart, like the splendorous sun.

यदैवमेतेन विवेकहेतिना मायामयाहङ्करणात्मबन्धनम् । छित्त्वाच्युतात्मानुभवोऽवतिष्ठते तमाहुरात्यन्तिकमङ्ग सम्प्लवम् ॥ ३४ ॥ — SB 12.4.34

yadaivam etena viveka-hetinā māyā-mayāhaṅkaraṇātma-bandhanam chittvācyutātmānubhavo ’vatiṣṭhate tam āhur ātyantikam aṅga samplavam

Translation: Oh dear child! When by the sword of enquiry the bondage of the ego created by illusion is cut off and one is firmly established in the eternal blemishless divine beingness, then that is said to be the ultimate dissolution — mahapralaya!

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