Hello, Codeforces!!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #9 (Fool-Forces), which will take place on Mar/30/2023 18:05 (Moscow time)
Please don't forget the time. Contest starts soon...
This competition is similar to April Fool's Day Contests, As there's an official round on April 1st this year, We decided to hold our round sooner.
You will have 2 hours to solve 8 problems.
Problems were prepared and authored by Amir_Parsa and E404_Not_Found.
Would like to thank our testers: Little_Sheep_Yawn, wuhudsm, O--O, FiniteMoves, ExpensiveAC, _Prince.
Also we want to thank you for participating in our round.
P.S : The problems are not sorted by difficulty, So please do read all the problems, Also the round will be available in gym for everyone after the contest end!
List of the top places :
Joshc The only one who AKed the round! orz.
"Stay hungry! Stay foolish!" Steve Jobs.
Discord Group (500+ people)
As a tester, I suggest everyone to take part in this entertaining contest.
I always Like TheForces Round as 1) I get Maximum knowledge from the Problems 2) I don't have fear of losing ratings
The second reason is important.
Cant wait to get fooled!
Glad to be fooled before many of you lollll! Hope you would enjoy!
As a tester, the problems were funny. I suggest everyone to take part in this contest.
as a fool people, hope you guys get fun in this contest.
Why there are so many people downvoting? I think you are warmhearted.
maybe bcz i'm a troll
As a first-fooled person, I suggest everyone participate in this contest.
As a fool author, Give me contribution!
Is it rated?
codeforces div.1 is rated for 0~9999, this round is div.0, rated for 9999 — inf
Auto comment: topic has been updated by E404_Not_Found (previous revision, new revision, compare).
So exciting...
What is the intended solution for $$$G$$$ please? O--O
also my question
Initially I thought it was some digit root with a special radix but failed.
If you write the numbers
Then you have to print the n'th number
How clever you are!
Very fun contest, I'm ashamed to say I enjoyed this more than the normal div 2 rounds, although G and D were a pain in the ass :(
How to solve Problem C. Morco
Morse code
What it mean???
Morse code table: Here
use morse code to decode text and it will be LIS
LIS is Longest Increasing Subsequence
so no its easy
But it is giving TLE
use this
there are nlogn code in the end
why you set $$$1 \leq n \leq 2023$$$ in G... I was sure its something with calendars, like what day of the week $$$1$$$st April of year $$$n$$$ was. I guess I was fooled
Because it's April fools day contest, It was for troll
The same approach I used during testing but it is wrong.
Problem A.
count of Vowels
problem B.
let every symbol 'a' be 1
symbol 'b' be 2
symbol 'c' be 3
and so on
than find multiply by modulo
problem C.
use morse code to decode text and it will be LIS
LIS is Longest Increasing Subsequence
so now its easy
problem D.
just find is cell (x,y) has color in sheet
problem E.
find second smallest (every word in statement is permutation of correct word)
Problem F.
dont ask how
Problem G.
consider sequence
You need to find n-th (1-index) symbol
problem H.
find ASCII n-th symbol (1-index) in string "TheForces rounds are the best rounds ever."
Problem G.
consider sequence
You need to find n-th (1-index) symbol
as a tester I liked the problems and found them interesting , hope that you guys enjoyed the problems too