aryanc403's blog

By aryanc403, history, 21 month(s) ago, In English

Hi Codeforces,

ICPC Amritapuri 2022 Regionals Round is happening right now on Codedrills.

Live ranklist:

Live commentary: We will be live on codedrills youtube channel. We will be starting soon.
Update: We are live now.

Contest Details
- Contest Link — ICPC Amritapuri 2022 Regionals Round
- Date & Time — 2 April 2023, Sunday, 9:00 IST
- Duration — 5 Hours
- There will be 12 problems to solve
- Will follow standard ICPC scoring system (20 minutes penalty and 1 point per problem)
- The questions may not be sorted by difficulty
- Contest link —

Edit — Credits
Chief Judge: Jatin jtnydv25 Yadav
Setters: Janmansh janmansh Agarwal, Aryan aryanc403 Choudhary, Jatin jtnydv25 Yadav, Chaithanya Dragonado Shyam, Vaibhav xennygrimmato Tulsyan, Mukesh Kumar, Jatin rivalq Garg, Vaibhav gvaibhav21 Gosain, Harris gamegame Leung
Testers (excluding setters): Aswin aswinashok44 Ashok, Mayank katana_handler Pugalia, Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh, Ritul Kumar ritul_kr_singh Singh, Kshitij kshitij_sodani Sodani, Abhay Pratap abhayps Singh, Mohan Raghu mohanraghug Garimella, Ankur ankurkayal Kayal, Praveen PraveenDhinwa Dhinwa, Sai sinus_070 Avinash, Siddhartha gravito12345 Srivastava, Osama ......-......... Saleh, Anil marksman_ Kumar, Masood Alam
Platform Coordinators: Deepa deepa_panwar Panwar, Balajiganapathi Balajiganapathi S, Swati Panwar, Vichitr Vichitr Gandas
RCD: Maheshwara anandoham Chaitanya

Edit 2: Results
1. Paradigm Shift (IIT Indore) — codebuster_10 s_jaskaran_s nishkarsh
2. AuditPass (IIT Delhi) — tamajitbuba islingr magga
3. :(){ :|:& };: (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus) — ExplodingFreeze JeevanJyot the_hyp0cr1t3
4. Maanzar (IIT Patna) — 100gods AwakeAnay TimeWarp101

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  • +91
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21 month(s) ago, # |
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How to solve Make It Zero?are there any edit__orials for the round?

20 months ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by aryanc403 (previous revision, new revision, compare).

20 months ago, # |
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Will this contest be uploaded to gym?