Hey, I am new to Code forces, I am submitting the solution for this question, but I am getting this -> Test: #39, time: 62 ms., memory: 1380 KB, exit code: 1, checker exit code: 0, verdict: RUNTIME_ERROR error message, this is the link to my submission.
Initially I thought it is due to problem constraints, like memory, but max is 256 MB allowed, so no! Also, is there a way to see submission logs?
Every exception thrown during the runtime will be counted as a runtime error, so it doesn't have to have anything to do with constraints.
For this example, It's because Python has a recursion limit of 1000 by default. You can increase it by module
. Here goes my accepted solution: 214460670Obviously!! Thanks a lot!! I have 2 followup questions,
how did you figure it out?
Is there a way to see the logs of submissions?