For random access iterators, std::distance is O(1). Unfortunately set iterator does not support random access, so the std::distance algorithm has to iterate over the pointers to compute distance, and worst case is O(n).
Example: (Time limit exceeded)
You can achieve O(log(n)) distance complexity in sets if you use Policy Based Data Structures(PBDS).
Example: (Accepted)
For std::vector the complexity is O(1) since the iterators support random access. You can also use subtraction operator with the same effect.
Example : (int) (lower_bound(vec.begin(),vec.end(),x) — v.begin()) returns distance from begin to first element in array with value >= x, so it's the same as std::distance(vec.begin(), lower_bound(vec.begin(),vec.end(),x));
Some useful links:
- (বাংলা ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল)
- (Time complexity of std::distance)
- (How to access to i*th element of a set in c++ effectively (*O(1) or (logN))?)
- (C++ STL: Policy based data structures)
- (drawback of using less_equal)
Thanks for share this useful resources. I solved last contests F using brute force that's why it take 4.5s :( I will try this PBDS next time
I think it is O(logn) in the second case... Correct me if I am wrong...
This is what exactly happened to me in 918 Div. 4 as you showed here. I could not fix at the time but I guess it is very helpful for beginners to know this concept.