jonathanirvings's blog

By jonathanirvings, history, 12 months ago, In English


We would like to invite you to participate in the live online mirror contest of The 2024 ICPC Asia Pacific Championship next weekend. ICPC Asia Pacific Championship is a new playoff round introduced to the Asia Pacific region this year. It is the contest for top non-winning teams from all regional contests in the region to qualify to the World Finals. See the region rules and competition page for more details.

The official contest is scheduled to start at Saturday, 2 March 2024, 9am (UTC+7). The live online mirror contest is scheduled to start only 5 minutes later, to keep both contests run almost in sync. The contest is 5 hours long and consists of several problems.

Please note that we might have to postpone the live online mirror contest in case the official contest is delayed. This is to the ensure that the tasks are not available to the public until the official contest starts. The official contest will be livestreamed here and the scoreboard can be accessed here.

The contest will use ICPC-style scoring (same as the official contest) and will be unrated. You can participate as an individual or as a team, although as a team of three members is preferred.

See you on top of the leaderboard.

The 2024 ICPC Asia Pacific Championship Judges

UPD1: The official contest is postponed by (at least) 30 minutes, so the mirror contest is postponed similarly.

UPD2: The official contest is postponed by 20 minutes (instead of the originally announced 30 minutes) after its original schedule, but the mirror contest is still scheduled to start 30 minutes after its original schedule to avoid more confusion.

UPD3: The analysis is available here

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12 months ago, # |
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The contest consists of several problems, and you can solve them in 5 hours.

See you on top of the leaderboard.

Thank you for believing in us!

12 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it


12 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

Such a short and clear invitation. I hope problems statements be like this too!

12 months ago, # |
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I am unable to register as a team. How should I register?

12 months ago, # |
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How to solve problem L?

12 months ago, # |
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An interesting contest.

Participated as the leader of the team Ascending Shine.

But I used brute force to get Accepted on G.

I can't understand why it runs so fast. Can anyone prove it?

  • »
    12 months ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

    At each step of your first loop, you have a bunch of sets, and you want to find an element that appears in at least $$$k$$$ sets. If such an element exists, you find it and break (happens just one time). But if it does not exist, that means each element appears at most $$$k-1$$$ times in the sets. So the total size of the sets is at most $$$(k-1)n$$$, which you can afford to iterate over because $$$k$$$ is so small.

12 months ago, # |
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Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong in 1938J - There and Back Again? I'm getting WA on test 39.

Submission: 249265031

12 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +35 Vote: I do not like it

Why we can't see the problem status (like other people's submissions)?

12 months ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it +6 Vote: I do not like it

For the tutorial of 1938F-Forming Groups, the $$$O(\log n)$$$ part can be easily optimized to $$$O(1)$$$ by sliding window, which will lead to a solution with linear total time complexity. Submission: 249333012

For the 1938G-Personality Test, there exists a dp solution optimized by bitset in $$$O(n^2mk/w)$$$ running time. Submission: 249242158

For the 1938K-Tree Quiz, there exists a $$$O(n\log n)$$$ solution using persistent segment tree. Sumbission: 250024227

12 months ago, # |
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please allow to view other submissions

12 months ago, # |
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I believe you don't need the log factor in F.

12 months ago, # |
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During contest, we were able to squeeze in a $$$\mathcal O(n \times d(n))$$$ solution for F only by optimizing most modulo operations and reimplement std::deque (which I am not sure it has any noticable effect), with maximum time around 4 seconds.

12 months ago, # |
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Too water!!!