Hi Mike, We just wanted to ask you to advance the Constests time by just an hour due to the month of Ramadan for the muslims Thanks Mike
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Hi Mike, We just wanted to ask you to advance the Constests time by just an hour due to the month of Ramadan for the muslims Thanks Mike
Name |
ramadan mubarak
We hope to set the contests in a proper time.
I totally agree with that , What is will happen if it will start 2 hours earlier ?
agreed bro from BD
Then I and many others wake up at 4 AM.
I wake up at 4 Am every day , now it is 4:46 Am it is a wonderful time
Most people don't.
Ok you are right
I agree with that.
I don't understand. How will advancing the time improve things?
During Ramadan, we fast until the Maghrib prayer at 4:00 PM UTC, This makes us leave the contest after only an hour and a half.
Today is the first day of the month of Ramadan. In Ramadan, we abstain from food and drink from five in the morning until six at night. Contest time is iftar time for Muslims. It will be very difficult to enter the Contest.
yess bro
The period during which the Contest is held includes the time for Muslims to break their fast. When the Maghrib call to prayer is called, the Muslims go to eat breakfast, and there is still more than an hour and a quarter of the Contest time.
I support
Agree with that
I suppot!
I think this time is the most suitable time for all participants. For some people, this is the best time for them. u can eat anything during the contest we can't change the world as we please.
BTW, I am a Muslim and I also fast
I support
i hope so, i really had to go to iftar today before solving D problem :)
I did E and went to Iftar. Had idea on F, but no time!
So after Iftar, I said the first word in my BIO
+75 ! Despite community approval, will this post still be deleted like every other post that mentions Ramadan?
hoping it get deleted(because I don't understand why people just can't forget about ramadan)
Betrayal :((( I helped you reach contribution milestones, bruh!
Ramadan is a religious event for Muslims and it lasts for a month. We fast for 13 hours. There're many participants from Muslim countries like Egypt, Syria, Pakistan and if it were to advance contests time by 1 h to be 13:35 utc instead of 14:35. It would help many people participate the contest till its end.
but maybe some will disagree with that.
Or it could hurt people who are already waking up at 6:35 AM to take contests. Another hour or two would be a MASSIVE inconvenience.
Well, there are Muslims all around the world (different timezone's) so I don't really know ...
as a Muslim, I support this idea very much
there is no time for solving more problems due to breakfast because we don't eat or drink anything for more than 13 hours
Totally agree
Support the idea
I Agree with that
I totally agree
Totally agree
I agree and i hope the contests always start at 3:00 pm
Hope so
I agree
womp womp keep crying
i support u .
Totally agree
We hope so because a large number of the contestants are Muslims.
i agree
I agree with that
Me too bro
I support
Actually this is impossible, Now in Egypt it is 6 PM at other country it is 5 PM, so if you delayed or late the contest start time that will affect others. I am not with or against that but this is a fact!
I support
I agreeeeeeeee
I fully support initiatives that allow everyone to participate in contests and enjoy the experience.
We hope so
Disagree. Lots of programmers live in timezones where shifting the contest ahead by an hour or two will be a massive inconvenience. For me, contests are at 6:35 AM; shifting it two hours ahead would force me to wake up at 4 AM. Contest times will always be inconvenient for some people, it isn't fair to change it to pander to a certain group while hurting others.
i think that advancing one hour won't be inconvenience for you or for others.
but this time is already inconvenience for more contestant.
it will be fine if he agrees.
Do you want to wake up at 5 AM for contests?
Man,you wake up at 6:35 for contest. Is it difficult for you to wake up at 5:35 !?
Yeah, yeah it is. Contests are often on saturdays; I often end up doing schoolwork until 12-1 AM. I'd rather do codeforces on more than four hours of sleep, thanks.
EDIT: It's not just me. Lots of people do codeforces in my timezone; shifting contest ahead by an hour or two would make it nigh impossible for us to take contests. Just look at Australia, where contests are held at 1-2 AM. Barely any codeforces users are from Australia.
Why should your needs be prioritized over ours?
I think it's good for contestants from Australia that the contest becomes at 12 not 1 or 2 AM
And it's not good for people in my timezone who wake up at 5 instead of 6. Do you get my point? Timezones will always be inconvenient for some people. Suck it up. At least you only deal with this during Ramadan; I have to wake up at 6 am for contests the entire year.
Not entire year, it is only in Ramadan. We hope you are helpful with us.
but why shift it forward an hour? it really hurts people in my timezone and a lot of other people too. If you shift timezones ahead by an hour, lots of people will be affected. Are you suggesting that benefiting you is more important than hurting us?
If you calculate numbers of constants in Egypt in every contest you will know why we do that but I can't see anything if you wake any time for one month instead of being fasting during the contest we don't eat and drink for 14 hours and the contest is at last hour so the current time make us not being efficient in it
Godzilla had a stroke reading this and freaking died
Ok I can't reply to you as I am polite
Your sense of humor is worse than my grandmother's.
If you can understand what he meant please enlighten me, because I sure as heck don't.
if he changes time for your counrty then it will be porblem for others
i think that advancing one hour won't be inconvenience for you or for others.
but this time is already inconvenience for more contestants.
it will be fine if he agrees.
then just skip ramadan next year
I support
We want the time to be earlier so that it does not distract us from fasting and our prayers, because if the time is as it is, then half the time we cannot sit and work at it.
I support strongly
Just convert yourself Problem solved!!!!!
ramadan kareem mubarak brother
this seems to only affect us in the middle east, not all timezones. and not everyone here is muslim so idk if changing default time is ok with everyone.
Imagine not eating because of an imaginary friend... And also, this may help you, but worsen experience for people from the world. Time zones still exist
imaginary friend ?
are you atheist
more like agnostic... Here we go again: because there are no actual proofs of God's(no matter which religion) existence
ramadan mubarak
Muslims are everywhere in the world, advancing time to make it more convenience for Muslim in Egypt might objectively make it worse for Muslim in Bangladesh while also make the contest time worse for anyone living in west coast America. Most Muslim did not even live in middle east so changing contest to fit Muslim in Egypt is specifically changing contest time to cater for minority group of people from specific religion.
This ^^
Hi everyone! I just want to say that all we are doing is submitting a request, It is better not to say bad words and respect our opinion, This is just what I want.
Of course, we hope so because a large number of the contestants are Muslims, and in addition, this will be fair and honest for all the contestants.