We will hold SuntoryProgrammingContest2024(AtCoder Beginner Contest 357).
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc357
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240608T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 100 minutes
- Writer: Nyaan, math957963, physics0523, MtSaka
- Tester: toam, Aotsuki
- Rated range: ~ 1999
- The point values: 100-200-250-350-450-550-650
We are looking forward to your participation!
Excited and Hoping for the best ABC Round!
Auto comment: topic has been updated by atcoder_official (previous revision, new revision, compare).
only 5 contributions away from the top-contributors.
Problem E is similar to this!
E was exactly same as this. Probably that explains so many submissions on E.
what is hand_00.txt in D? only failed that test :/
\begin{equation} \sum_{i=0}^{len(s) — 1}(\frac{10^{n * len(n) + i} — 10^{i}}{10^i — 1}) * d[i] \end{equation} where $$$len(n)$$$ is no of digits in $$$n$$$ and $$$d[i]$$$ is the $$$i$$$ th digit.
need to be careful when calculate the numerator it might overflow: AC
n*len(n) can overflow. Maybe you missed that ?
thanks for trying to help guys. I realized I was using the built-in pow to calculate pow(10, len(n)) instead of the pow in my mod template :(
I changed
pow(10, num_digits(n))
topow((mlong)10, num_digits(n))
and got AC nowWA AC
How to change my name?
I spent over 40 mins implementing E only to find out here that it was available on Leetcode :/
I used Condensation Graph for E which is a bit overkill but it worked.
Why there are so many D&C NTT problems in ABC, but almost no problems about suffix array or suffix automaton ??? I think they are educational too :)
how to solve F?
I personally didn't solve it, but my idea was correct. We maintain 3 arrays: $$${a_i}, {b_i}, {v_i}$$$. The first two should be self-explanatory and $$$v_i=a_ib_i$$$. To maintain these arrays, we can use many RURQ data structures (I used Sqrt Decomposition). Maintaining $$${a_i}$$$ and $$${b_i}$$$ should be simple as it is just a classic RURQ problem. To maintain $$${v_i}$$$, we notice that when $$${a_l, a_{l+1}, \dots, a_r}$$$ are each incremented by $$$x$$$, then $$${v_l+v_{l+1}+\dots+v_r}$$$ is incremented by $$$x\times\left(b_l+b_{l+1}+\dots+b_r\right)$$$. This allows us to maintain array $$$v$$$ lazily. You can see the editorials for clearer explanations. Also, if anyone finds the problem in my implementation, I would appreciate it.
Some segment tree magic. I misread statement and solved for $$$\sum_i \sum_j A_iB_j $$$
Segment Tree
Why submission giving WA on test_03.txt :(
you must print # for N = 0 not .
Joined 1 hour late (on accident), but still solved ABD.
WA — https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc357/submissions/54368958 AC — https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc357/submissions/54381026
Can somebody explain why my first submission was not accepted whereas the other one was accepted and the only difference both have is that in the not accepted one, I have define k = 1+(int)log10(n) whereas, in the accepted one I have define k = to_string(n).size()
This may help you.
Reduced problem D to Geometric Progression, and then utilised the sum of first N terms formula. We can split the original number multiply it later and make a GP serious out of multipliers of powers of 10. a = 10^(N*d — d), r = 1/(10^d). Final ans = N * a(1-r^n)/(1-r)
Here d = no. of digits in the original given number. Have taken care of fermat's theorem too by applying (mod-1) for huge numbers in exponents. Why does it fail in 15 and passes 13 test cases. What is wrong in the solution ? https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc357/submissions/54378604
Let $$$M$$$ be the length of the number $$$N$$$.
To calculate this, we have to take
I think there is some issue, with mod being used. I used your approach too with r = 10^d instead of 1/(10^d) which I previously used. Yet it still gives same results(15 fail and 13 pass). for some reason
Not sure what is the exact issue
Wait that is literally the exact same thing that happened to me
My first D submission had 15WA and 13AC, so I might have had the same error as you
Later in the contest, I found out that, in my method, I was creating an ll overflow by multiplying the original number n by another number. I fixed this by making the original number n=n%998244353. This might work for you, too.
Here's my WA solution:
And here's my AC solution:
Thanks! That totally skipped my mind at the time
Anyone please explain me the logic or Intution of Problem D.
Prerequisite: Binary Exponentiation and Modular arithmetic
Could You please tell me why this fails — https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc357/submissions/54764020
Only solved first two, sad, suggest some topic.
Can anyone help me with problem F? I used lazy segment tree. code
Anyone help please
@atcoder_official try to add more general editorial instead of any snippet, sometimes its get hard to understand .