Hi everyone. I recently started learning Segment Tree. So now I want to solve more problems with Segment Tree in Codeforces. Can you suggest me some problems similar to a Segment Tree, like 896E - Welcome home, Chtholly? So I can improve myself?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I think you should work with cses. There are a lot of problems about Data Structs!
Hi, thanks for your answer and attention! But I have already solved problems in cses that are about Data Structs!
I like your opinion!
i think begin with a problem 3100 is not wise choice
you should see the codeforces edu
Thanks for your opinion and attention!
Uh in fact 896E is a problem about sqrt-decomposition and DSU……which is known as "第二分块" in China.
how can i practice on luogu if i want to?