It is 1 day after IOI 2014 contest. Are there any online judges for these problems? There are two interactive problems in Day 1, and I can't know if my solution is correct without special checkers.
Does anyone know any place to submit programs for IOI 2014? If you got one, please put the link below. I think a lot of people are waiting for this.
Agreed. I have the same question asked here.
A few months ago, yeputons mentioned that they had an online evaluator containing problems from past IOIs (including the very recent ones). Check out his comment. I asked for an account and he provided me with one, but unfortunately I never had time to use it. The judge was hosted here (hope it's OK to share the link) but they've taken it down. Hopefully they'll launch it again at some point in the future.
There was big problems with university network. Now it's ok, but our part is not in it. We are working on it. I hope it will be working in a week, with ioi-2014 too
We had fix it. Also IOI-2014 is availible now.
IOI 2014. That judge doesn't contain problems of IOI 2014.
Sorry. It has the practice problems, and is an OJ known to have IOI problems from past years. Also, I don't see the IOI 2014 official test data anywhere online.
Official test data? Try the official page...
Yes. Clearly it is on the official page.