History versions: here, link from Luogu. If this project is successful I'll make a similar table for Luogu.
This is someone else's chart. Due to the exclusion of interfering factors, the persuasiveness is stronger. (But I will still insist on making this less convincing version)

The columns: name = name, min = min, max = max, total = there're how many people in front of this line, current = there're how many people with you in this zone, proportion = proportion. Guess where you are?
I made this thing purely out of boredom, and it would be my honor if it could be helpful to you.
I hope I will remember to update it every month.
Fun Facts: - Due to the strange api of Codeforces, I think the best way to make a table (which really has reference value) is to go through the whole ranking myself. So the CodeForces table includes all of the "users participated in recent 6 months", and the Atcoder one includes "users participated in a rated contest in recent 2 years". Sorry about that.
- The number of people in the hundred-point-zone ranging from 300 to 400 is the highest. As long as one participates in a competition and submit an WA code (which get 0 point), most people will get stuck in this place. (I tried to avoid this problem, but I'm too naive. Stopping such people getting into my table is like squeezing water out of flour)
- AtCoder has a different rating system than CodeForces. This system does not give you extra points in the first six competitions like CF, so the most concentrated zone of their ratings are from 0 to 99 points.
... - I get a purple cm yesterday while I was celebrating my birthday.
Many people only registered for only one contest. At the same time, inevitably, alt accounts were also included in the statistics. So this statistic is only for entertainment purposes.
If you are willing, you can write down your current rating and goals below. Encourage each other to promote enthusiasm for effort!
My current rating is -36 and I'm going to get -40 before September.
I wish you the best of luck on your pursuit of ...negative delta? hahaha
This is quite difficult. Sometimes even getting the last place can increase my poor rating.
I think getting last rank in div(1+2) or in div 3 contests (where there are a lot of participants) should help you reach your goal
You have given more contests than total problems solved in total! That's an achievement in itself. XD
Torture cows
Reaching CM i guess? seems hard to me
Your face looks like gigachad! You probably will reach M/GM. Your performances are also really good. Good luck.
lol so tru
Thanks! Never thought I could look like a chad for anyone lol.
+200 ....
Yep, dreams come true. And so fast.
For me its reaching 1900 but it will most likely never happen as I am not very smart.
Then you can try to work harder. There is nothing that is not smart, even if it is really not smart, hard practice can make up for it.
Followed, I am also reaching 1900.
Thank you for your words of encouragement/advice. I genuinely don't have the time unfortunately due to other commitments. I just try to upsolve problems upto 2000 difficulty for all div2 rounds and I try to write every contest I can. I wish you all the best in your pursuit.
congrats, you did it.
It would be interesting to see what happens when you filter out accounts with a low number of contest participations.
I would try that (maybe a month later?), thanks for your advice!
Hey can you please explain the column names? I could not interpret the data
my goal is to reach expert until the end of august, doubt it will happen but i will try my best
to reach 1900 by the end of 2024...
could you make a similar table for AtCoder ?
Thanks, I'll try that.
Hope to reach Master until my birthday.
So did you actually make it?
Yep, I think I nailed it :)
Congrats then)
Hope to reach Specialist before September.
Hope to reach 1600 by EOY!
I hope I will come back harder
wish to reach CM before September!
Can someone explain the column names?
it's quite different than I think? maybe limiting the samples from Div2 participant in single contest.
according to recent rating distribution of all rated user in cf 2024 Codeforces Rating Distribution
median was 1143, mean to 1205, bluecoder is top 15%, CM is top 6%, top 1% is redcoder
Quite different, quite. Because the statistical caliber of these two charts is different.
Poor Bro why are you getting so many downvotes.