Amao_Fox's blog

By Amao_Fox, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

Today we had a contest including three problem called "简单函数(function)", "异或大师(xor)" and "摩天大楼(skyscraper)".

In Chinese OI, mostly we have to read and write to files, some would use fstream or fopen, I use freopen, that's not the point.

A common Chinese coder knows that the different code lists of Chinese is just a trash, you could use UTF-8 on your computer and send it to your teacher while your teacher using GBK, and your code bombs.

freopen("摩天大楼.in", "r", stdin); -> freopen("鎽╁ぉ澶фゼ.in", "r", stdin);

So we often use English to the problem and code names. And I typed the wrong name using

freopen("", "r", stdin);
freopen("skycraper.out", "w", stdout);

And I didn't notice that issue until I recieved RuntimeError0pts after the contest.

Congratulations that I lost 8pts which wouldn't lead to any trouble. But what if I could have 100pts on this problem and lost them all? That would be a disaster.

R.I.P. sky s craper 2025/2/6 ~ 2025/2/6

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By Amao_Fox, history, 6 weeks ago, In English

I remember I had a bet with my friends about my rating. If I can't reach master before Chinese new year, I am going to leave Codeforces and touch grass.

But I won the bet just days before it. It was really close, but thanks to everyone that helped me along the way, my classmates, teammates, coaches, friends, enemies. Thanks to Codeforces, which gave me a platform to improve myself.

And wish you a high rating.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

When tourist got 4009 his title changed to Tourist, and now jiangly's title is Jiangly, so can I infer that as long as a person get a rating over 4000, their title is just same their own handle (with a capital letter)?

Some randomly anonymous guy who doesn't want me to say his username from my class promised to become "_Luqyou_ luqyou" one day.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 3 months ago, In English

Read more from this:

Two days later, on November 30th, this year's NOIP will be held. I am already in my first year of high school this year, and I only plan to participate in my first and second year of high school. If I can join the provincial team next year, I will devote all my energy to my CNOI career. If not, then I will quit CNOI and touch grass.

I feel like I've spent my whole life here.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 3 months ago, In English

Today, I congrats myself to be one of the strongest CM in the world. I just reached a rating of 2099 (wtf) after last Div.1+Div.2.

I'd like to thank every one that helped me during this road, my teacher, my mates. I can't just reach this rating with only my practice, their opinions helped a lot. To say I've been on this road for almost 6 to 7 years, and I've spent 15 months on CodeForces, which give me this exciting rating and fantastic problems.

And I'd also like to thank my lagging computer, my bad stomach (as a result of cold KFC), and the noisy computer room. I can't reach 2099 without them — maybe I could just go straight to Master.

Anyway, the strongest CM has a "strong" in it.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 4 months ago, In English

Yesterday I was just in a mood to participate another round. when I solved B in 7 minutes, I found my self standing at the first place of official ranklist. But it took me 2 times of normal time to solve C and D because I'm tired, sleepy, and the students around are already asleep so I must be quiet and I can't talk to myself (I need speak to think for some reason), otherwise I'll be crused to death by them. I was orginally planning to reach master, but it seems to be impossible after C and D. So I planned to solve problem E and finally wrote a code that could pass the samples. Just the moment when I tried to open the submit page, my computer shutdown itself just because it's run out of electricity.

 But the irony lies here: I ensured that it had three hours of battery life before the start of the contest; When I started writing E, I saw that it had at least one hour of battery life, and by then it was less than half an hour before the end of the contest. I just installed Windows10 on my old computer some years ago, I didn't expect it to deceive me so much.

 I'm still in a mood to participate another round because even I was suffered from these, I still get positive rating changes.

Just as one previous time when I passed G2 but didn't pass the same but easier G1 because network problems, when I mistakenly fell asleep, when I suddenly broke a key on the keyboard... There are always lots of strange things happening at online contests.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 5 months ago, In English

As we(?) all know, normally Codeforces Rounds start at 22:35 in China. I am in Southeast China and it's usually very late (as my parents have even put their phones away and gone sleep already)

It is very important to keep a clear mind when the time is affecting. But for me, I think I can't always keep a clear mind under this situation; sometimes I just want to f*k those problem and go to sleep as soon as possible but I can't because I have a rating.

I tried everything I can: tea, coffee, early rest. I can't tell if they work, my brain is still tired sometimes.

As a result of this, I have reached Specialist twice, Expert for six times, and CM for once(maybe there would be 5 more times). Overall, it is still on the rise, but its volatility seems too high.

I know that ratings are always floating, that's not the problem. The problem is, sometimes my performance seems to be 700 points lower than my rating or even more, and my mates have never been like this. Is it really bad to participate at night? Or just because I only worth this strange performance because I'm not strong enough.

(Strangely meaningless posts and strange English grammar. Worth a "I don't like it" from you.)

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By Amao_Fox, history, 7 months ago, In English

I participated in Div.2 last night and finally earned a 2000+ rating points for myself. The first time I reached 2000, I want to say thank you to CodeForces again, just like when I first entered CodeForces. (Unfortunately, that post has already been deleted)

CF is such a great platform, although its competition time is not very friendly in East Asia (we usually need to stay up late), I still enjoy the process of learning and competing on CF. I have gained a lot of knowledge and made some friends through communication on CF. I have grown from a Newbie to the current Candidate Master (maybe becoming a Master in a while? I think I am currently at this level). Lot things to remember.

I remember I have rose from Pupil to Specialist twice and from Specialist to Expert six times (because I fell off again after going up). I hope that in the future, I can maintain my level more stably and reduce the occurrence of such situations.

Rating is just a number. My strength has grown, that's the most important thing. As a contestant, I can be more calm and persistent than before. Even if I don't compete anymore, this quality will still accompany me, and I have no regrets.

Now as I wrote in that earlier deleted post,

Hello, Codeforces, I am Amao_Fox, awa! This is the algorithm competition. I'm getting started.

Hello, Codeforces, I am Amao_Fox, awa! This is the algorithm competition. I'm getting started again.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 7 months ago, In English

History versions: here, link from Luogu. If this project is successful I'll make a similar table for Luogu.

This is someone else's chart. Due to the exclusion of interfering factors, the persuasiveness is stronger. (But I will still insist on making this less convincing version)

This is the CF table

The columns: name = name, min = min, max = max, total = there're how many people in front of this line, current = there're how many people with you in this zone, proportion = proportion. Guess where you are?

The AtCoder Table

I made this thing purely out of boredom, and it would be my honor if it could be helpful to you.

I hope I will remember to update it every month.

Fun Facts:

Many people only registered for only one contest. At the same time, inevitably, alt accounts were also included in the statistics. So this statistic is only for entertainment purposes.

If you are willing, you can write down your current rating and goals below. Encourage each other to promote enthusiasm for effort!

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By Amao_Fox, history, 8 months ago, In English

On yesterday's ABC363, SH00QiNan got the first place in a very-very short time. It's a new account and never competed before. Also, there's a CF account named SH00QiNan, which is also a completely new account. 

Some of the gossips I heard as this account is controlled by six China NOI Silver player. (I don't believe) But even six best player can't solve problem so fast, I think.

 It's Affiliation is QFLS. I'm not sure what QFLS is, but I am in Changsha, Hunan, China, and there is a school named Qingzhuhu Foreign Language School, but it's a nine-year-school (which means the students are 6~15 yo)

 What do you know about this account, and what do you think?

 Purr, our Tourist and JiangLY! The 1st place is stolen by this account!

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By Amao_Fox, history, 13 months ago, In English

Yes, as my classmate said. If this is fake please tell me.

If there are any public posts about this, please tell me also. After all, I'm really not good at browsing historical materials.

If this is true, I wonder what'll happen if a person with negative rating upvote one of my post. Would my contribution increase a tiny? Or it wouldn't make any effort? Or my contribution would decrease instead?

Please tell me because I'm dumb.

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By Amao_Fox, 17 months ago, In English

I achieved the Expert level in a recent Div.3 competition. Codeforces Round 900 (Div. 3)

As a Chinese student, my first encounter with a computer after the competition was at 22:00, 27th September 2023 (UTC +8). However, I noticed that my name was still displayed in green at that time. When I checked my profile, I saw that I already had a rating of 1631. On the rating chart, my rating line was drawn in the blue range. My max rating was already 1631, marked as Expert with a blue color. However, my name was still displayed in green.

I used a translate script. But I have close all of the scripts but nothing happened. I am serious, and I'm not using F12.

However, on, I had the chance to see my name turn blue and view my rating on my profile. I was puzzled, so I went to to observe. Unfortunately, I couldn't access it, so I switched to for observation. On, my name had already turned blue and I had been given the Expert rating. No matter how I refreshed the page, my name remained stably blue, unlike on where it frequently changed during refresh.

I was considering whether the anti-cheating system caused the color change in my name. By the way, during a previous Div.4 competition Codeforces Round 898 (Div. 4) where I gained a significant amount of rating, my initial rating remained at 1395. But now when I checked my rating table, I found that my pre-competition rating was already 1406. This raised some questions from my peers.
I would like to know how long the anti-cheating system on Codeforces generally runs at a time.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

As you can see, tomorrow is the preliminary round of China CSP. If you are a candidate from China like me, I hope you can perform well, take the exam seriously, and may rp++ be on your side (rp++ in China means good luck). I hope you achieve your desired results!

I have been preparing for this competition for several years. If everything goes well, this could be my last competition. Of course, if I perform well, I will stay in the field of information competition and consider pursuing this path for a lifetime. I would like to extend my sincerest wishes to my good friends, such as tbdsh, dingchenjun, xcc_szy09051, SkyWave2022, and also to you!

If you are not Chinese or no longer participate in CSP, I apologize for bothering you. Nevertheless, if you have any other competition to participate in, I wish you good luck (rp++)!

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By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

Whenever my rating increases, I receive a message with a description of my rating changes, and it always ends with a huge "share it!" to encourage me to share the good news. I can also find this information on my rating graph and revisit it later.

However, I've noticed that when my rating falls, there is no prompt to share it. But I really enjoy the humorous aspect of sharing ratings, so I'm wondering if there could be a new way to share a lower rating. Or maybe I just haven't discovered the option for sharing a negative rating yet.

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By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

Firstly, why do we need to get a lower rating?

  1. Some players need to play lower contests, but their ratings have exceeded the limit
  2. To compete the last page of rating list and become a negative LGM

Mostly, you have to submit at least once to change your rating, whether it's an ACM contest or a CF contest.
+ If it's an ACM contest, you have to reach a rank that low enough. If your rating is so low that it's increasing even you just solve one problem, then you should finish it in a score of 0.
+ Or it's an CF contest, you could finish the contest without any AC. But if you want to get a negative rating, you have to do more! At least you have to get a negative score to get a low rank.

Watch the rank list. There may be someone else competing with you to get lower score, so the best way is to AC 1 problem and Hack Failed for many times. If you are sure you can make a code that could Failed System Test at that problem, then do it. If you want to do, you can use some trick to Hack Failed as quickly as possible, but if you are Skipped or reported because that, you would failed this way.
There are always some strange ways to get a really low score, so if you find a player that get a much lower score than you and you couldn't get score as low as him, you have to report him/her to an administrator or try to get Skipped of this contest so you wouldn't get an raising rating.

It takes a long time to get a low rating. If the contest is Semi-Rated or Unrated because some reason, don't be sad. All you have to do is focus on next rating-falling contest. Also, you shouldn't use two account, one play as normal and other getting lower rating. The second one will seriously affect the first one. Check the last page of rating rank list, and learn from those with negative rating.

Hope you could have fun in losing rating :P

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By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

At first, I thought rating would take a while. As a result, I opened several leaderboards and waited for more than 20 minutes, but there was no page showing the row of changes of rating. Is this script really not working, is it not working during the competition, or is it purely because of our Chinese policy that I cannot access specific websites that script require?

Additionally, I am considering whether to abandon this script. It's not because it often doesn't work with me, but because I'm considering whether I need to cultivate my patience for waiting for rating changes and whether it can bring me greater emotional impact.

(Forgive my poor English)

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By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

When playing some games, especially last night's Div.1 + Div.2 (which is too late for China), I often find that I cannot do all the questions I can in order. In other words, I may not be able to make B, but I can make C. So I am considering whether I should start writing from question A or go through the questions first and start writing from the last question I know to the first question? Should we work hard or continue to work on the next question that we couldn't come up with after thinking for 10 minutes?

Also, has CodeForces considered hosting any other competitions at other times? Although this question has been around for a long time, I still want to ask (sorry)

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