Codeforces Blitz Cup 2025 Final Rounds Have Started! Join the stream now: ×

The Rating table

Revision en8, by Amao_Fox, 2024-08-01 09:52:56

History versions: here, link from Luogu. If this project is successful I'll make a similar table for Luogu.

This is someone else's chart. Due to the exclusion of interfering factors, the persuasiveness is stronger. (But I will still insist on making this less convincing version)

This is the CF table

The columns: name = name, min = min, max = max, total = there're how many people in front of this line, current = there're how many people with you in this zone, proportion = proportion. Guess where you are?

The AtCoder Table

I made this thing purely out of boredom, and it would be my honor if it could be helpful to you.

I hope I will remember to update it every month.

Fun Facts:

Many people only registered for only one contest. At the same time, inevitably, alt accounts were also included in the statistics. So this statistic is only for entertainment purposes.

If you are willing, you can write down your current rating and goals below. Encourage each other to promote enthusiasm for effort!

Tags ratings


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en8 English Amao_Fox 2024-08-01 09:52:56 6 Tiny change: 'ne else's watch. Due to t' -> 'ne else's chart. Due to t'
en7 English Amao_Fox 2024-08-01 09:52:10 395 Tiny change: 'centrated areas of their ' -> 'centrated zone of their '
en6 English Amao_Fox 2024-08-01 09:45:48 38 Tiny change: 'sterday when I'm celebrati' -> 'sterday while I was celebrati' (published)
en5 English Amao_Fox 2024-08-01 09:44:04 1272 (saved to drafts)
en4 English Amao_Fox 2024-07-25 06:12:03 3 Tiny change: '\nFun Fact:\n- By the' -> '\nFun Facts:\n\n- By the'
en3 English Amao_Fox 2024-07-25 06:10:28 0 (published)
en2 English Amao_Fox 2024-07-25 06:10:07 132
en1 English Amao_Fox 2024-07-25 06:08:28 969 Initial revision (saved to drafts)