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faiyaz26's blog

By faiyaz26, 11 years ago, In English

Hello, I tried to solve this problem with Suffix Array : 452E - Three strings . I have seen some solution but unable to understand the idea. Can anyone give me the idea to solve the problem using Suffix Array?

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11 years ago, # |
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This is my rough idea:

  1. Cat three strings together (e.g. abc$bc%cbc) and compute its SA and LCP:
  2. Traverse through the SA. Assume the current string is C. For each of the three strings S and each (necessary) length L, maintain the number of suffix T of S that is already seen such that C[1...L]==T[1...L].

This is my actual code: 7273217. The numbers I maintained is put in stack<T> st;. I (unnecessarily) used binary index tree for range-modification.