Usually, during sys testing, I filter the submissions who failed system testing out of curiosity. I found many solutions that have failed test 5 on problem A, and it seems like all of them print an extra 100 if there are 100 test cases. There is no way so many solutions have failed with this seemingly intentional bug, so I think someone posted a solution which this bug and many people copy pasted it without realizing this. Did a coordinator post this code or did someone else do it?
Not only in this round, but this kind of thing has happened many times recently, where people just randomly put an awkward exception handling that doesn't make any sense even at the first glance, but many of them just keep them without a doubt.
Thanks to this guy
just cheat
Damn, so is he an undercover cop? All the people who FST'ed on A this way must be banned, and more round authors should start using this technique to detect cheaters.
Lol, look at the other "videos" on his channel (I just did), he did far more damage.
New fighting with cheaters technique: spam Youtube streams with solutions that pass only samples and fails in general, so that cheaters will get more penalties.
Indeed, that's a perfect way to think about this problem.