Codeforces is my favorite site and I like to spend my free time here, solving problems and discussing different topics with interesting people! I deeply respect MikeMirzayanov, who is the creator of this beautiful platform and I was inspired by his participation at IceBucketChallenge! So, I'd like to repeat it!
I'd like to challenge cool red users I_love_Tanya_Romanova and Rubanenko, and my friend adamant! You must do it in 228 hours.
"solving problems and discussing different topics with interesting people" — very nice way of describing your activity here :PP
@Bredor What is the secret behind 228 hours?
There are 13680 minutes behind 228 hours
Oh got it, there are 820800 seconds behind 13680 minutes :)
Article 228 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation is about narcotics :)
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In Chinese culture: 4 mean death
By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested [or ceased] from all the work of creating that He had done.
Clearly, this is a deadly Ice Bucket Challenge.
Be careful LeBron, Rubanenko, Adamant, It is a trap!!!
(just kidding, but number 4 is real)
In Egypt, 4 means prison.
"(just kidding, but number 4 is real)"
Number 4 is not only real, it's also rational and even more, it's natural!
And even more, it's even :D
And I know it's hard to believe, but it's really complex!
have u examined Bredor's profile pic (and his recent comments) more closely?
see this http://codeforces.net/contest/461/submission/7583980
hmm, now i'm wondering what is so special about the number
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. :Dhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words
obviously refers to "racist chef" memedoes this mean that Bredor is a fan of Hitler? :D
nope, he's just a troll
btw does Bredor's voice look normal to you guys ?
this is a voice of brutal man
Yes, his voice looks normal.
I hoped it will pass by me...
At least I have exclusive 228 hours :)
Btw, nice background music in the beginning.
Your time is up.
When we thought about our Ice Bucket Challenge with caustique we struggled on choosing nominants.
One of our ideas was to nominate the most strange guys on Codeforces: Bredor and adamant (who can't enter the contribution TOP-10 and Ice Bucket Challenge could improve his positions).
In our conversation with caustique I predicted that Bredor will get iced in Guy Fox facemask :) Also I thought that there would be "Jaguar" (aka яжка) can in his hand.
Why did you do that without you favourite drink? Or is it inside the bucket? :)
It was in me.
Wow, which voice changer did you use ? :D
Maybe "Jaguar"?