We will hold AtCoder Regular Contest 189 (Div. 2).
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc189
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20241208T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Number of Tasks: 5
- Writer: leaf1415, math957963, PCTprobability
- Tester: Nyaan
- Rated range: 1200 ~ 2399
The point values will be 400-500-600-700-800.
We are looking forward to your participation!
i think AI ended ABC, just do ARC, abc is ended
No,it's ABC and ARC DIV.2
Several months ago, after reaching yellow, I found that it's too hard for me to get positive deltas quickly by participating in ARCs. I even thought that I couldn't reach orange during the whole CP journey.
But now ARCs (Div.2) have come. I have reignited hope once again.
Does the div system means there will be fewer ARCs (~20 $$$\to$$$ ~8) for oranges? :(
(And there are too few AGCs.)
Hope this new contest will be more interesting for the participants like me.
Why don't you keep it rated for Green ?
I am green on Atcoder. I have been to purple on Codeforces. I want to take part as rated participant on today's contest.
it should be rated for everyone who wants to participate . I don't know why lower rated participant are not allowed to participate as rated .
Exactly. I might not take a part for this sole reason.
yes I am not participating as well , no thrill in unrated contests
So what is the difficulty? Is it close to Codeforces Div.2?
I think task C and D are easier than task A and B. By the way, I think B is an amazing task.
Same. I couldn't solve the B, but when I looked at editorial, I just realised, how simple it was.
Yes — I solved A, then thought about B
then solved D then thought about B
then I knew how to solve C... but at the same time I knew how to solve B
It's too hard, but at the same time a fresh-style task.
Any hints for problem E?
write a brute force, draw the computed graphs and look for a pattern
try the brute force for n=6. Guess that you can always achieve a max weight of 3 for n >= 6. Brute force an answer for n=7 with max_w=3. Look at the computed graphs for n=6 and n=7 and guess how to continue that pattern
what pencils do u use?
idk why people downvoted me, you wouldn't get this upvoted ans. if i didn't ask -_-
D is a subtask of this olympiad problem, where the full problem is on a tree instead of a line.
emmm, when I finished reading the statement of D, I come up with a similar task 1998E )
maybe it has become a very well-known idea and it has been used for too many times
Another similar problem
Alternate solution for D using only stack in O(n).
I don't know, why nobody has yet appreciated the beauty of your solution !!!!
evima Thank you for detailed editorials.
Loved your explanations for A,B,C,D.