Hi, Codeforces!
I'm delighted to invite you to the best/second best/third best round of 2025 so far! Codeforces Round 997 (Div. 2) will be held on Jan/17/2025 17:35 (Moscow time). You will be presented with at least $$$6$$$ and at most $$$6$$$ problems, one of which might be divided into two subtasks, and $$$2$$$ hours to solve them.
Many of you may not believe it, but the problems were authored and written by nifeshe with a great help from maomao90. Moreover, I would like to thank:
maomao90 for coordinating the round and helping with tasks ideas/preparation.
Alexdat2000 for translating the problems to Russian.
All of our testers: errorgorn, A_G, LipArcanjo, _istil, Markadiusz, Error_Yuan, Intellegent, mwen, LMeyling, hazzlek, iLoveIOI, Rideris, DilshodbekX, chromate00, tibinyte2006 for, believe it or not, testing.
MikeMirzayanov for the Codeforces and Polygon platforms.
Bliznetc for playing chess with me.
And You for participating!
The score distribution is as follows: $$$500-1250-1500-2000-2250-(2750+1250)$$$.
I hope you will find a non-empty subset of problems to be interesting. Good luck!
UPD 1: Editorial
UPD 2: Congratulations to the top 5!
Div. 1 + 2:
Div. 2:
UPD 3: First solves:
A. 00:02:01 by hitonanode
B. 00:02:17 by pipi0818
C. 00:03:52 by Proof_by_QED
D. 00:13:53 by wishgoodluck
E. 00:18:06 by zdc123456
F1. 00:27:48 by peti1234
F2. 00:28:40 by rainboy
According to the score distribution, it seems a bit easier than last div2 Round ?!
It's not related .
WOO , I haven't known that yet.I have just supposed this score is equal to difficulty (
no it's not , as cry pointed out in his own blog here
thanks for link;
So now the LGM tag isn't even good enough for the "And You for participating!" line. They've trampled all over the meaning of the word legendary.
Believe it or not, I tested.
i believe
I'll test it tomorrow, live during contest
As a participant, i will try to solve A within 5 minutes.
i believe in you
lets do it!!
what about B and C??
B before 20 and C before 60 (And D if I can).
Nike:Just Do It.
As a cheater who got her first contest skipped, I will try to cheat my way to Pupil in this round
But why u solved C only?? Didn't u got solutions of A or B?
I read many blogs after contest skips which mostly say they got skipped because their codes were short and common so I didn't copy A or B because the ones I found on youtube and telegram were very small like 10-12 lines only
Cheating with prepration.Crazy
lmaao you call it preparation? My classmates took an entire course worth 3000 PKR which trains them on how to avoid plag while copying codes from telegram/youtube. They also give them resources to cheat like names of telegram channels, websites and even contacts of people who sell it at cheap rates (for problems E or F of Div 2. Upto D are mostly free. Paid only if you need D in less than 1 hour). They also give plag detector links where you copy paste both source code and your code and it tells you percentage overlap. Live contest doubt support is also provided like if you get WA after changing they tell you why it gave WA rather than giving solution to make you independent for future contests. They also have mock contests where you are given answer code and you have to change it during contest and then they are run through plag checkers to see if they match. My brother himself prepares 8 hours a day from that course but my parents didn't spend money for me because I am a girl and they don't want me to get a job. But what you call cheating isn't a noob's thing this also requires efforts and learning it is a science of its own if you want to learn how to change codes quick and bypass plag checker and test your code for plag live contest. I just try to learn as much as I can by seeing them. But that group has given some Candidate Masters (one from our country too) and Masters too. But not everyone gets there unplagged only the most efficient people do. Many get caught and get banned as Pupils/Newbies and many cant understand code enough to change it beyond A.
speechless -_-
maybe instead of cheating just learn how to code its not that hard
The C question that got skipped for you from before, it looks AI generated. You're most probably being scammed by these sources in multiple ways. lmao.
We have the same picture :)
maybe we have stolen this picture from the same person
Hope we can have easier E and F to solve. E and F for last Div.2 are not fit for rated participant(but it has nothing to do with me thinking they are good problems, especially E is interesting), only two can solve E and no one can solve F is abnormal.
It seems like that E is much more friendly but F2 still hard.
what is the contest duration
Updated the blog
I think this is the new shortest official contest blog, beating the previous contest's blog.
Hoping for the contest to have >2 solves on E, F! (oops)
B seems harder than usual
If I don't become specialist in this contest then I'll
try again in the next one
good luck
nice one :)
1000 problem solved wow! why dont u start solving higher rating problems tho?
Currently I'm learning various topics and practicing on others platforms and solving problems topic wisely..
I think it will be interesting round !
Hope to solve at least 3 and get specialist
Mashaa allah on ur profile salah, i have no idea what will happen tommorow but i know that you put a lot of effort, best of luck.
Thanks <3
This has probably been answered before, but why not have all the rounds on weekends? Americans can not compete in standard-time weekday contests.
If you can't even compete in standard-time weekday contests, are you even free?
why you didn't practice in feb 2024?
Bro thought Feb had all weekdays
Like the last contest, I don't want to mess up this one either. :)
B>>C ?:(
hope i will become specilist i this contest
best of luck
Best of luck!!!
hard contest IG... 500-1250
"You will be presented with at least 6 and at most 6 problems" interesting description.
score distribution looks so puzzled, especially second and last ones. Will test!
As a participant, I will try to beat rainboy ;)
That is on problem F to decide
believe it or not, i wish good luck to everyone(also to me, i hope ill finally reach pupil~)
Im very sure that this will be one of the contest of all time
Guys I think there are 6 problems
You got it wrong bro... There will be at least 6 and at most 6 problems.
You are hilarious reyleigh
What will be a 1250 score div2b like be?
Since score is relative to previous problems, I think problem A will be more easier as B is 1250 scored...
I just want to break the curse of problem c. I'll definitely solve it this time ^.^
I solved C but couldn't solve B. My day is ruined
B was harder than C or they were equal imo.Starting with C was good option
nvm I reached my goal
You will be presented with at least 6 and at most 6 problems.
But what i can do is 0
will be ending myself if i cant solve D.
My First contest. Hopping to solve at least one!!
Cf forced me to solve one problem to comment
how many question i have to perform for becoming specialist?
This depends totally on Round.. But I guess 3 Problems would be a safe number for you. If the contest is easier, speed matters..
hopefully pupil
Can't wait to participate.
I will solve at least 0 problems and at most 6 problems.
I wish you success! :D
Wish everyone have a good time!
hoping to solve C this time and D if possible
It's nice
Hoping I could get into 1600++ :D
good luck
Serious disappointment after waiting for a week.
insane gap from c to d
wtf diff gap A *900 B *1400 C *1500 D *2200
C is 1200(MAX)
B > C
Why continue to make problems like C,it serves no purpose, extremely disappointed by the quality of problems.
first 56 minutes: Solve Problems
last 1 hour 4 minutes: stare at standings 💀
I feel you. How do they do it?
Same :((((
B >>>>> C, the order of B and C should be swapped. Who started with C will very likely to win a lot of rating in this contest
Also I have absolutely no idea how to solve D sadly. (last div2D was way better tbh)
i think D needs combinatorics, i couldnt figure it out tho
Am I the only idiot that can't even figure out what B is asking. I swear the diagram they've given is wrong but maybe I'm just dumb.
It took me a long time, too. But the graph has connections between two items if and only if the earlier item is smaller. My solution was to build a list with vector and insert() so that each node used only information from previous nodes to determine its relative position.
Is the diagram they've given correct? My confusion lies in the fact that p1 = 4. In the adj matrix, it has edges to p3 = 1 and p5 = 5. But in the diagram they've given, 4 only has an edge to 5.
Looking at it again, it seems connections in the graph are determined by relative position in the permutation.
4 has no lesser elements before it, so there are 0 edges out of 4 to lesser elements. 5 has 4 lesser elements before it, so there are 4 edges out of 4 to lesser elements. I agree that it is a confusing problem, I assumed it was anti-LLM tech or something
Yeah the mapping between p_i and i was the hardest part for me as well.
problem C is such a piece of shit
why this allowed?
Problems were pretty difficult but also really nice.
Thanks for the great contest!
This is (in my opinion) one of the best div2 rounds I have ever participated in. Thank you for the brilliant problems. I enjoyed every problem (except B). Ran out of time in F2 after getting the main observation in last 10minutes :(
fuck B fr https://codeforces.net/contest/2056/submission/301459050 ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) another rating minus
edit: ok I solved it, now stop downvoting me ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) https://codeforces.net/contest/2056/submission/301685928
For you
See difficultly gap between C -> D. It was one of worst time trial for div2. how to solve ABC fast, depending on time it can be gray or orange
enjoy the problems. Quality is much more important than any difficulty imbalance (and before you say I am saying this only because I am too high rated for div2, I really like AGCs despite solving 0-1 problems)
difficulty gap hardly matters in the long run (unless you secretly believe that everyone wants you to always suffer and gives only your rating the big difficulty gap each time)
Congratulations! Please tell us, o'great man, solution to problem D. My mind is melting.
Agreed for A and D. D especially is a very nice problem.
Though B and C, the language for them was pretty bad. Spent more time reading the Q than thinking about the problems. Those two could have been way better phrased imo.
FastForces intensifies and C << A << B
I couldn't solve D, but it was an amazing problem imo.
For D, is it all odd lengths are automatically the answer calculate in O(n) for even length you sort the array of
in increasing order and then solve the equationUse some Data structure to calculate this for all pairs having
array[i].first == array[(i+1)].first
In that case, if we sort each and every subarray, doesn't the time limit get exceeded?
If you can solve the
max(l.second, r.second) - min(l.second, r.second) = r - l
in someO(log(n))
time the time complexity isO(nlogn)
The max and min are in range from l to r can be computed with Segment tree but at each r for what l am i doing it?segment tree ahh! mb i did something like this:
for this time limit exceeds obv(im a newbie). i tried to implement it with freq array(as a<=10) to optimize it but still time limit exceeded.
Even if you used seg tree how are you dealing with the above 2 nested for loops?
thank you for contest!! D was good problem. However, I am not too sure about the point of question C
I think graph was introduced in problem B just to scare the participants.
I got scared while the contest I thought dfs is the method to used
6000 solved C, 500 solved D nice complexity management!
it's actually 8500
E seems way easier without the equality in the 2nd condition. How to solve with the condition having $$$\leq$$$?
What a big gap bitween C & D!
jaja bit-tween, that was good
Can someone tell me which test case my code failed in B. https://codeforces.net/contest/2056/submission/301455594
I thought I would solve at least 3 problems. I was really sure that C will give me hard time but well life can be very surprising sometimes.
t=1 n=3 000 001 010 Correct answer: 2 3 1. Your answer: 3 2 1. I didn't quite understand your idea, but it seems that it's just wrong
actuallyl it is an adjacency matrix so your input is fundamentally wrong. In undirected graph the matrix is symmetric
I implied this input, it's just that I didn't know how to markup my comment prior
Oh I misunderstood. I think I got the problem in my approach. Actually my idea was to start with the minimum element that is 1 and than see how many elements it is connected to which are more than it.
Than I take the total number of these elements, subtract it by n and that is the position of 1. But I didn't implement the caculation process of subsequent elements correctly and that's where my downfall lay...
Anyway thank you for your testing it helped me to understand problem in my code that has been bugging me for a while now.
Have a great day/night.
I had exactly the same approach here is my implementation https://codeforces.net/contest/2056/submission/301478898
Oh so my approach is indeed feasible. Yeah it felt quite authentic but sadly I didn't quite test it more thoroughly. Anyways thanks for the code:)
Any idea which test case is failing for my submission: 301434979 for Problem B. I used a bubble-sort-like approach.
tf is problem B?? problem D: wow small question(length wise) lets try it, tried it and was able to solve it in first attempt with time compl of O(n^3logn),optimized it and submitted still time limit exceeded.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong in my code?
Try this input:
hate speedforces and B ate all my damn time. 5 more minutes and could've done C whatever looking forward to better weekend contests
Can you explain what C is saying in simple words please? I can't understand what problem C is saying
it says we need a sequence of size n which have:
1. count>size n (count=the number of subsequnces which are longest palindrome sequences in our ans)
This is what I understood, couldn't solve it though
How I approached the problem- 1)Initially a sequence like 1,2,3....n Here f(a)=1(since the longest palindromes are 1,2,3,..n each of size 1) and g(a)=n but we need g(a)>n 2) lets change the last number to 1 so sequence is 1,2,3,4,5,.....n-2,n-1,1 now f(a)=3 (longest palindrome = 1,x,1 for all x in range [2,n-1]) but still g(a)!>n
3) Lets replace one more number with 1 say with 3rd element (n>=6 given in que) 1,2,1,4,5,....,n-1,1 (longest palindrome = 1,x,1 for all x in range [2,n-1]) (Same as before) but now we can form it in more number of ways and g(a)>n
thank you for helping, I actually gave up after 2nd step and decided to brute force the permutations which I was not able to implement and it was clearly not a time efficient approach
It took me a long time, too.
not even in my dreams would i expect seeing graphs in a div. 2 B lol
u dont need knowledge pf graphs to solve it, they just used them to write the question in a different way .
In problem C why we cannot do
Because that produces only a single palindrome with length N.
The maximum palindromic subsequence would then be the whole sequence, so g(a) = 1.
then f(a) = n, g(a) = 1, which is failed the problem condition g(a) > n
f(a) will be n g(a) will be 1 we need g(a) to be > n
f(a) becomes n, g(a) becomes 1.
You will get only 1 longest sequence 1 1 1 1 1 1 ....ntimes
if do this, the longest palindrome subsequence of a is a, then f(a) = n and g(a) = 1
Then the longest palindromic subsequence will be of length n, so f(a)= n, now g(a)=1 and its a condition in que that g(a)>n. Thus this wont work
My solution-
thanks everyone I understood now!
In problem D, I came up with the following conditions for subarrays with even length $$$l$$$ and median is $$$m$$$:
If $$$x$$$ is number of elements $$$<m$$$ and $$$y$$$ is number of elements $$$>m$$$, then $$$l-2x \geq 2$$$ and $$$l-2y \geq 2$$$.
Following this observation, $$$O(10n^2)$$$ solution is obvious to me. How can this be improved to $$$O(10n \log n)$$$? I was trying some $$$\texttt{ordered_set}$$$ and $$$\texttt{order_of_key()}$$$ stuff but could not come up with the solution. Can anyone help me with it? Here is my submission link.
using inclusion-exclusion principle.
Same here :-(
For a particular subarray [l,r] we can say that it is bad if either of these 2 conditions are true l-2x<=0 & l-2y<=0. Both of these can't be true simultaneously unless m isn't present in that subarray.
Thanks a lot, I got AC now. If anyone wants to see
Problem B was cool as it is the definition of topological sorting
bruh how you even got answer with topological sort I did 3 wrong submission for that It ain't topological sort brother
Convert the graph to directed graph by checking if there is an edge between two nodes and draw directed edge from the smaller node to the bigger node. After that run topological sorting on the new graph and this will be the answer
Nah, I did same but not accepted show your code!
There was a problem with the checker of problem C. WA here AC here . Codes are same but specifically for only the third testcase it showed WA if i did not print a gap after the last integer(i printed newline). also F(a) would be 3 but the checker showed 5. hence the checker must be incorrect and i incurred a lot of extra penalty
Consider spending more time thinking before claiming the checker is wrong.
There is a difference between
else if
, for n=6 your first code is outputting two sequences.oh crap my bad
Why was B graph?
lol I did not expect this.
Can someone give hints for D:))
Problem C literally writes the answer for $$$n\ge 9$$$, and I don't know if it is intended.
It literally writes the answer for all $$$n$$$ lol.
My AC solution is just:
The intuition is that each element added in (2) increases the number of palindromes with the first two "1" by exactly 1, so it will always be $$$\gt n$$$.
Now if only I could have figured this out before coming up with a general solution for $$$n \gt 9$$$ and individual hard coded cases for $$$6 \leq n \leq 9$$$ T_T
There's an even better solution.
Just print $$$i$$$ for $$$1...(n - 2)$$$
Then print $$$1$$$ $$$1$$$ as last 2 elements.
My AC solution is:
I just print 1 1 2 3 4 ... (n — 2) 1 (palindromes are in the format 1 ? 1). This solution does not work with n < 6.
My solution is directly derived from the first sample. The following sequence:
satisfies the problem's condition, because $$$f(a) = 3$$$ and there are sufficiently many palindromic subsequences of length $$$3$$$.
I really doubted myself when I found this, and I had to repeatedly check it...
Problem A was harder than problem C.
My solution for B is literally just a simple sort function, I don't know why it's considered to be "much" harder than A lol. Personally, I spent a little more time on A than B.
can you share your solution???
Much appreciated thank you
maybe due to its wording, a more clear statement would have done its job.
Feeling the distinction of difficulty levels in the last two contests kinda frustrating. Each problem is cool when viewed individually, but together in a single contest, they don't form a reasonable difficulty gradient.
Btw, I thought getting the answer for $$$n\geq9$$$ directly from the sample is the intended solution for C. It's interesting to see it's not
Is this the intended solution to D? Or is there an easier approach?
Notice that a given range [l + 1, r] is not good if either of the following are true:
where $$$\text{prefix_lt}$$$ and $$$\text{prefix_gt}$$$ represent the prefix sum of numbers less than and greater than $$$m$$$ respectively.
This can be re-written as:
Notice that the two conditions are mutually exclusive, so you can just subtract these two counts separately:
$$$r - \text{cnt_prefix_lt_upto}(2 \cdot \text{prefix_lt}_{r} - r) - \text{cnt_prefix_gt_upto}(2 \cdot \text{prefix_gt}_{r} - r)$$$
(except for the case where the median value isn't present in the subarray, lets ignore that since I ran out of time trying to fix that, we will likely have to store the "l" values till we see an $$$m$$$ after it)
$$$\text{cnt_prefix_lt_upto}$$$ / $$$\text{cnt_prefix_gt_upto}$$$ can be fairly directly implemented with a Fenwick Tree (bit).
So this feels way too overcomplicated for a problem D to me, am I missing an easier solution or is my brain just fried today?
you can solve it by doing the -1/+1 trick for medians + a sprinkle of PIE.
I dont think they are mutually exclusive, they may each equal exactly half?
We can calculate by inclusion-exclusion principle: Let b be any subarray of a of even length, cnt[i] = # of occurences of i in b. b is not good iff there exists some j, such that cnt[1]+cnt[2]+...+cnt[j] = |b|/2.
My $$$D$$$ solution:
First, we notice that
is quite small, which inspires us to enumerate the median.Suppose we determine the median $$$m$$$ and only count the even-length subarrays. The subarrays we are looking for must satisfy the following conditions:
It seems difficult to count the subarrays directly based on these conditions. We transform this problem by considering the subarrays that do not satisfy the conditions:
This makes it easier to count. Next, we explain how to count the subarrays where the number of elements less than $$$m$$$ is greater than or equal to half the length of the subarray.
Let the array be $$$v$$$. If $$$a[i] < x$$$, set $$$v[i]$$$ to 1; otherwise, set $$$v[i]$$$ to -1. Then, calculate the prefix sum array $$$pre[i]$$$. This allows us to find the number of indices $$$j$$$ such that $$$pre[j] \leq pre[i]$$$ using a binary indexed tree (BIT).
We also need to ensure that the subarray contains at least one $$$m$$$, which can be maintained by using a waiting area
. When calculating the prefix sum $$$pre[i]$$$, we do not immediately insert it into the BIT but instead place it in thewait
area. Once we encounter a new $$$a[i] = m$$$, we insert the information fromwait
into the BIT and clear thewait
area.Is it a speed typing contest, like three digit rank after solving three questions and also 8k rank after solving three questions ( ╹▽╹ )ʘ‿ʘ
yeah but usually higher rated people got better ranks so nothing changed.(I reached my goal finally)
Any idea which test case is failing for my submission: 301434979 for Problem B. I used a bubble-sort-like approach.
What is wrong with my B submission ? : 301457552
Lost D because of an extra unnecessary assert :(
i am unrated and solved first qun in this contest will i get rated
Yeah u will. Even if you didn't solved any questions and just submitted you will get rated.
By when it's getting updated bro
Here you have it.
Bhai me bhi india se hi ho
oh sahi hai yar same here
why is everybody hating the round. i think author made a great job. that round teaches how not to afraid of tasks. task B — is not even the alghoritms on graphs. C task was really good and funny and teaches that you don't have to be afraid if task marked by letter C,D or smth else. i appreciate the author :)
and, nifeshe , i play chess too, text me if you wanna play with me)
In 3rd question all pretests passed but in the final checking it was not checked and was neither accepted nor failed in any test , I expect this as a glitch in the website , kindly look into this and help to get the correct standing .
My C solution 1 1 2 3 .....n-2 1 Here g(a) = 2n-5 which will work for all n>5
D is an amazing problem!!
For a subarray $$$b$$$, let
denote the counter of the elements in $$$b$$$. In this problem the length ofcnt
will be at most $$$10$$$.If $$$b$$$ is not good, then $$$a$$$ has an even length $$$L$$$, and also $$$\frac{L}{2}$$$ will have to appear in
, whereacc
is the presum ofcnt
. Obviously for $$$b$$$, only the frequency array $$$cnt$$$ matters.Consider enumerate the median $$$k$$$ seperately.
Consider the subarray $$$b=a[j...i]$$$. If $$$b$$$ is not good, we will have: $$$ acc[i][k]-acc[j-1][k] = \frac{i-j+1}{2} $$$ if $$$b_{\left\lfloor \frac{m + 1}{2} \right\rfloor} = k$$$.
Here $$$acc[i]$$$ is just the presum of the $$$cnt$$$ for subarray $$$a[0...i]$$$.
For simplicity let's denote $$$acc[i][k]$$$ as $$$p_i$$$ and $$$cnt[i][k]$$$ as $$$c_i$$$.
We will have $$$ p_i-p_{j-1} = \frac{i-j+1}{2} $$$. So $$$ 4p_i-2i+1 = 4p_{j-1}-2(j-1)+1 $$$.Notice that if $$$b_{\left\lfloor \frac{m + 1}{2} \right\rfloor} = k$$$ then $$$k$$$ must appear in subarray $$$b$$$, so we also need $$$c_i-c_{j-1}!=0$$$.
4.Maintain a hash table to count the number of bad subarray.
Solving D felt so good, finally CM-ing. Loved the contest! The question quality was really nice, although difficulty of C felt a bit off compared to normal C's.
u r sus. U have comments in your code + u have skipped code.
He is one of those cucks that uses chatgpt for help. His skipped code is all GPT.
i tend to comment my code in harder questions. also i have never had a skipped contest wtf ? cope for your skill issue instead of being jealous
u have a GPT generated code that got skipped in round 949. lol, Cope? I feel pity not jealousy for losers who are so low IQ that they need GPT for div2 B.
LOL. blud probably regrets commenting. Funny thing you cant delete comments on codeforces. Great feature mike.
my good sir, that code was copied from geeks for geeks since it was a standard function (you can verify this).. i resubmitted it after i found a better solution, not knowing that resubmitting an AC makes your previous AC submission skipped
if you have enough braincells, you should realize that a skipped submission due to copying makes your whole contest skipped, and that contest was rated for me
why would you resubmit a question that u already had AC? Dont get the point. Did you predict its gonna get skipped?
i didnt know at the time that re-submission costs you lol. i wasnt able to solve D and felt like i worked out B myself (instead of just googling bitwise or of a range: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/bitwise-or-or-of-a-range/ the code is this exact article btw), and i wanted to resubmit my new soln.. didnt want to waste time till contest ended because i literally didnt know it would cost me ?
and fyi i am icpc regionalist in my region with like ~ 50 onsite rank, so baseless accusations like this are quite offensive
Also fyi i hate cheaters too (you can see my controversial blog replies to some posts), but sometimes you should think a bit more before making accusations ??
You being good doesnt mean you wont cheat. Masters have been caught cheating. Someone said this when psychotic_d was caught. "Anyone can cheat. An expert can cheat to become CM, An international Master can cheat to become LGM, only person who probably dont benefit from cheating is tourist himself in his prime". So thats a lame excuse. Hopefully you dont cheat but u r definitely sus.
Sure, but it does add credibility.
And it is kind of lame that instead of apologizing for making accusations without much evidence (for example, being unaware that resubmitting after getting an AC makes your submissions skipped, and that submissions skipped due to cheating skip your whole contest), you still quote "anyone can cheat".
Sure bro, with that logic, you can be a cheater too. Maybe, have some actual evidence (like a skipped contest?) before making such accusations ?
It is my first-contest on the platform and i am able to solve problem A but my rating is not shown on a dashboard any one help plzz. Why it is not showing ??
I guess the problem writer chose $$$n≤100$$$ in problem C because they also do not have a good way to calculate the value of $$$g(a)$$$.The small range of $$$n$$$ makes a brute-force search of all cases possible. I think this is probably not what they wanted.
For problem C, simple solution, we can do 1 1 2 3 ... upto (n-3) 1 2. with this method the length of longest palindrome subsequence will always be 3.
You printed $$$n+1$$$ elements for each test case instead of $$$n$$$. Therefore, the checker read
1 1 2 3 4 1
for the first case, and read2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for the second case. Note that it doesn't care whether the elements are on the same line or not. With2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
, the longest palindrome subsequence is2 1 1 2
, of which the length is indeed $$$4$$$.got it and edited my comment also. Thanks
I've just found the solutions of bieybay are obfuscated (sample: 301404672, 301404858, 301405070), which is against the contest rule. This person should be disqualified.
How did MamurjonDeveloper solve b in 2 mins .... his submissions seems sus.maomao90
impudent cheater
i guess no admin checked, sad
For me $$$A>B>C$$$
Try this problem
What's with the constraint of n in C? Why is it so small?
Also you can just put random distinct numbers at the end of the 3rd sample answer, as g(a)=190 which is >=100
because the checker took O(n^2) to check if your sequence is valid every test case
In the second matrix of the B's sample, it says that p1 < p3 and p1 < p5, but why the output is p1 = 4? Can anyone explain that to me?
It is a bit confusing for example p3 (node 1) in the permutation satisfies the condition p3<p4 so p3=1 and p4=3 there is a edge between them
B is not a graph algorithm problem actually
So is B incorrect or am I confused in somethings bro ?
It is a bit hard to understand youre wrong
Slowest first solve for A problem
Still you cooked !!
good contest ... But where is rate
wtf is 2 mn
I'm editing my comment because I can't delete it
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I think first solve also need to divided into div 2 and div 1+2,I don't want to lost my problem C"s first solve.
For some reason i felt B should have been C and C should have been B in this contest. :P
both of them are div2B in my opinion
but yeah C took me 21 minutes to solve B took 28
i wasted most of my time on B just to realise after contest it was simple toposort. C was ig done in 10 minutes.... should have tried C 1st
no just greedy toposort is :skull:
B and C should be exchanged
how can I become a tester of official div2 round
why was C easier that B?
I'm happy to join in codeforces
Hello Codeforces Team,
I recently received a notification about my solution (Submission ID: 301463482) coinciding with other submissions (301458678 and others) during [Contest Name, Round #997].
I would like to clarify the following:
Submission Details:
I wrote the code independently and did not engage in any form of code sharing or collaboration during the contest. I used VS Code and submitted the solution directly to Codeforces.
the problem solving logic is apperaring similar but this is ig a coincidence i have not used any external tools or public platforms like ideone with public settings
i am ready to provide a nessesary screenshot as evidence or mydraft code from my laptop to demonstrate that i worked on the problem independently Please let me know if any further clarification or evidence is required. I sincerely request you to review my case as I have always adhered to the contest rules.
Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any unintended misunderstanding.
As a tester, I have a proof that upvoting this comment will lead to positive delta. But the proof is too long to fit the margin.