MAieshAdnan's blog

By MAieshAdnan, history, 4 hours ago, In English

Hello there,

I was solving problem 2001D and I came up to pretty straightforward conclusion that explore all permutations and output the lexicographically smallest one. Now, when I implemented this in code, it didn't work.


Any help will be deeply appreciated!

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3 hours ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by MAieshAdnan (previous revision, new revision, compare).

2 hours ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

There is a significant difference between the concepts of a $$$Subsequence$$$ and a $$$Permutation$$$ of a given array. In this problem, the final answer must include all unique elements present in the array. However, not every permutation of the array can be derived as a subsequence of the original array.

For example, consider the following test case:

Test Case

We know that the final answer will include three elements: 1, 2, and 3. Some permutations of the array {1, 3, 2} (referred to as a in your code) cannot be valid answers because they cannot be extracted as subsequences, such as {3, 2, 1}. In contrast, only the permutations {1, 3, 2} and {1, 2, 3} can be subsequences of the original array.

Finally, regardless of the code's logic, its complexity is very high since generating all permutations of an array has a time complexity of $$$O(n!)$$$, where $$$n$$$ is the size of this array.

2 hours ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Need help with the following problem :

Given an array of n integers. Count the number subsequence whose product is divisible by k. Return answer modulo 1E9 + 7.

1 <= n <= 1E5 1 <= k < 1E9 1 <= a[i] <= 1E9

I think idea is use to prime factorization but I am not able to get it completely.