Блог пользователя Abito

Автор Abito, история, 6 недель назад, По-английски

Hello. If I want to practice on Luogu, is there something similar to rating of problems here? How should I start solving? It's hard to navigate the website so sorry for asking

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6 недель назад, # |
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learn Chinese

6 недель назад, # |
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Register a Luogu account and solve problem using vjudge. Vjudge is in English and it has a translation function based on ChatGPT. So you dont have to learn Chinese.

6 недель назад, # |
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Here is the difficulty of the problems. Different difficulty has different font color. In short, red < orange < yellow < green < blue < purple < black, while gray stands for the difficulty isn't set.

I think the web translation tool that comes with your browser will be of great help to you.

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    6 недель назад, # ^ |
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    Hi, what would be the estimated CF rating equivalent for each problem difficulty color in Luogu?

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      6 недель назад, # ^ |
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      Red/Orange: *800 — *1100 Yellow: *1200 — *1500 / *1600 Green: *1600 — *1900 / *2000 Blue: *2000 — *2200 / *2300 Purple: usually >= *2400

      I'm not sure whether it's right enough.

      (However, I feel it a bit hard to strictly distinguish the difficulty in Luogu, because it doesn't have tag in numbers (such as *2500). So it could be a bit ambiguous. For example, a few purple problems are easier than some blue ones. This happened more often among low-difficulty problems.)

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      6 недель назад, # ^ |
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      Maybe it is like this:

      洛谷(luogu) 入门(red) 普及-(orange) 普及/提高-(yellow) 普及+/提高(green) 提高+/省选-(blue) 省选/NOI-(purple) NOI/NOI+/CTSC(black)
      CF 800 900-1100 1200-1500 1600-1900 2000-2300 2400-2900 3000-3500
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6 недель назад, # |
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you think you can reach their level by solving on luogo lel

6 недель назад, # |
Rev. 3   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Thanks EarthMessenger wanggk Liuxizai jianhe for helping <3