I can't even solve 800 rated problems or div2 A problems. Problems like this https://codeforces.net/problemset/problem/1705/B and this https://codeforces.net/problemset/problem/1714/A.I can't even think how to approach the problems. How can i overcome this ?.It is very disheartening to not being able to solve even 800 Rated problem.In contest i just stare at the first problem.And can't even think what should i do?Please help i want to improve.
Attempt 50 div 2A`s, in the next 10 days. Think for 30 mins per problem, if you feel stuck move to the next, now re-attempt all the problems you were stuck on. Try this cycle twice, if you are still stuck, see Editorial
Thanks,But it didn't work for me i tried that.But i can't even think about how to approach the problems
Knowing that in most of these problems the intended solution is around 5-10 lines of code might help. If you are thinking about something super hard or long to implement or too many cases, you are likely on the wrong path.
Look on the samples carefully, check different small cases (n = 1, 2, 3, 5, small array) on paper, see in which way you personally solve the problem by hand (intuitively sum up elements / search for the biggest one / ...), try to come up with easiest hypotheses (answer is n+m / answer is YES when n is even / ...) that seem logical and mostly work for your cases, and then maybe tweak them a little (works except n = 1 / works if n != m / ...)
Thanks ,Ok i will try it.Is there a problemset i should try.Or should i switch to Atcoder?.Since on CF i can't solve tough 800 problems(without editorials)
If your goal is codeforces, I would push through here, that will give you confidence and experience for further improvements. I believe everyone can learn to solve 800 rated problems. If your goal is something different, however, like interview problems, you might want to switch to something more straightforward and coding-oriented like leetcode. Because codeforces problems are brain teasers and puzzles in some sense.
Thank you very much.Your advice really worked for me.Like you advised i thought on paper.Stuided the test cases.And thankfully i was able to solve the problem on my own.After 3-3.5 Hours(with breaks in between).I feel the confidence you talked about.For this problem I thought i wouldn't look at the solution.And after 3 hours i solved it.But one thing I'm confused about should i really spend that long a problem or should i look at the solution after 1 hour so?.What do you advice please reply.And now i will push through here for sure.My goal is to get a job.But Because i'm not from a computer science background.I have no choice and have to become better in cp.Because without a good rating i won't even get a chance for interview(It is like that in my country).I'm very thankful for your advice.Thank you,Thank you very much.Can i request one more thing ?Can i ask you for advice from time to time Please ?
Yep, you can ask in private messages. Congrats on solving the problem! Though spending 3 hours on each is probably not effective, I think you can look at editorial after about 1 hour and you will be able to solve the problems faster on your own pretty soon. So I would limit the time to say 1 hour before editorial and the more problems you do, the more the % you solved on your own within that 1 hour will become!