Hey there if you love learning and sharing cool stuff this is the place for you We started a Telegram group where everyone can join to talk about what they know share awesome projects and even give advice in their own language or area.
In our group you can show off your skills chat with others about your projects and even take part in fun competitions with cool prizes These events are all about challenging yourself and having a good time while learning something new
We have organized everything into different categories so you can easily find topics that interest you The vibe here is friendly and casual but we mean business when it comes to growing your skills and sharing knowledge
Tags Telegram Community Collaboration Sharing Skills Growth Innovation Learning Projects Competitions Your text to link here...
join now
Before you join, note that mamali is a cheater who chaeted in Codeforces Round 1004 (Div. 2). Evidence: all his solutions in that contest is skipped.
telegram group? more like cheating group