Блог пользователя Lazy_Mario_

Автор Lazy_Mario_, история, 6 часов назад, По-английски

Problem Solving Series in C++

About six months ago, I started a problem-solving series in C++ and in arbic. My goal was to create something truly beneficial for anyone eager to learn—real problem-solving content, just like the structured plans offered by paid academies, but completely free so that anyone can start.

We divided the plan into three levels:

Level 1 (C++ Basics + Introduction to Problem Solving)

  1. Variables + Data Types
  2. Loops
  3. Arrays
  4. Strings
  5. Functions

For each topic, we solved a full sheet of 26 problems on Codeforces.
Thankfully, we have completed Level 1! You can check it out here:
Level 1 — YouTube Playlist
And here’s the detailed plan we are following:
Detailed Plan

Level 2

  1. Time & Space Complexity
  2. STL
  3. Frequency Array
  4. Prefix & Partial Sum
  5. Binary Search & Two Pointers
  6. Bitmask
  7. Bitset
  8. Number Theory
  9. Recursion

Just like in Level 1, we will solve plenty of problems for each topic. Additionally, there will be a dedicated Math playlist since math is crucial in problem-solving, and another playlist where we solve various problems to help you get ready for contests and improve your ranking.

Level 3

  1. Introduction to Graphs
  2. DFS
  3. BFS
  4. Dijkstra
  5. Dynamic Programming (DP)
  6. Segment Tree
  7. Hashing

We aim to complete the series as soon as possible.

Follow me on my channel so you don’t miss anything:
YouTube Channel

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6 часов назад, # |
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Thanks bro, that’s really helpful.