Problem Solving Series in C++
About six months ago, I started a problem-solving series in C++ and in arbic. My goal was to create something truly beneficial for anyone eager to learn—real problem-solving content, just like the structured plans offered by paid academies, but completely free so that anyone can start.
We divided the plan into three levels:
Level 1 (C++ Basics + Introduction to Problem Solving)
- Variables + Data Types
- Loops
- Arrays
- Strings
- Functions
For each topic, we solved a full sheet of 26 problems on Codeforces.
Thankfully, we have completed Level 1! You can check it out here:
Level 1 — YouTube Playlist
And here’s the detailed plan we are following:
Detailed Plan
Level 2
- Time & Space Complexity
- Frequency Array
- Prefix & Partial Sum
- Binary Search & Two Pointers
- Bitmask
- Bitset
- Number Theory
- Recursion
Just like in Level 1, we will solve plenty of problems for each topic. Additionally, there will be a dedicated Math playlist since math is crucial in problem-solving, and another playlist where we solve various problems to help you get ready for contests and improve your ranking.
Level 3
- Introduction to Graphs
- Dijkstra
- Dynamic Programming (DP)
- Segment Tree
- Hashing
We aim to complete the series as soon as possible.
Follow me on my channel so you don’t miss anything:
YouTube Channel
Thanks bro, that’s really helpful.