For Fox Rocks in round 3 of hacker cup I started my timer and went to download the input file but suddenly it disconnected from I was able to successfuly ping but i had 100% packet loss to facebook D:. I screenshoted everything to document what was happening and with just a minute left on the timer it started responding again! I tried downloading the input but I watched as it completely failed to download in time due to an extremely slow connection D:.
I submitted a feedback request asking for help and sent my code+the screenshots as proof and it appeared I would be recieving a manual judgement! :D
Soon after the contest though I recieved the judgement that my soln was incorrect on a few cases D:
After correct code was accessible I compared my output to Gleb's to find my bug but my soln gave the same results (withing 2e-6) so I also compared to Anta's output with the same result. :S
I sent off another email explaining this and a while ago recieved a response stating that there was a mistake in the manual judgement and "Sorry for the inconvenience you‘ve gone through. This solution puts you in 10th place overall, so we’ll be inviting you to the onsite finals :)"
:D :D :D
But unfortunately I am still 17 (I hadn't realised they were unaware of this) and so cannot attend this year D:
Overall quite the rollercoaster :D
What a ~~ rollercoaster ~~
... | | ....... :D :D ...................xD..............
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. |FB HC| .....//||\|\.................///|..............
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. izrak ..//\|/|\||/|\|/|\\. DD: .//|\|/|\|..............
..__ __ _//|/|\|/||\|/|\|/|\_____//\|/|\|/|..............
big cong!
EDIT: It was a long road, but the rollercoaster lives!
~~ With self-belief, you can overcome any challenge ~~
The revision history on your comment.....
You made a new account just for this comment -_-
I reckon it was worth it.
Don't worry, he'll probably use it to participate in Div 2 contests and finish in the top ten.
wanna know this guy? link
Now I'm just inquisitive. Did JoeyWheeler get the Bengali intro?
proud for you to become a bangladesi.